Working Groups for the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012)

Agricultural Research and Education

Dated 8 th May, 2006

In the context of preparing Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012), it has been decided to constitute a Working Group on Agricultural Research and Education with the following composition and Terms and References:

I. Composition:


Dr. H.K. Jain, 40,Surya Niketan, Vikas Marg Extension, Delhi-110092. Tel: ® 011-23379560/22373451 FAX No. 011-22379560 email:hkj[at]vsnl[dot]net



Dr. M.C. Saxena, A-22/7 LF City, Phase I, Guargaon -122002 Tel: Res: (0124) 510571 Email: m[dot]saxena[at]cgiar[dot]org



Dr. G.S. Sekhon, Professor of Soils, PAU, Ludhiana, A-6, Guru Ram Das Avenue, Ajnala Road, C/O NUT, Amritsar Centre, 38, the Mall, Amritsar-142001, Punjab Tel:0183-2592401. Email: drgurcharansekhon[at]hotmail[dot]com



Dr. S.S. Parihar, 136-D, Kichloo Nagar, Ludhiana-141001 (Punjab) Tel: 0161-2471378. Email: kpsingh123[at]satyam[dot]net[dot]in



Dr. A.M. Michael, Ex. Director, lARI.Pusa, New Delhi, 27/78, B.P. Marichal Road, Vettekullam, Heppappally, North P.O. Cochin-682024 Tel: 0434-2543217



Dr. S.N. Puri, Vice Chancellor, CAU, Iroisemba, P.O. Box 23, lmphal-795004 Manipur, Tel: 0385-2410414 Email: snpuri[at]rediffmail[dot]com



Shri S. Jayaraj, Chairman, S. Jayaraj Research Foundation, No. 39, First Floor, Main Road, A.G.S. Colony, Velachery, Chennai-600042 Tel: (O) 044-22533806 email: prof_sjayaraj[at]rediffmail[dot]com



Dr. S.V.S. Shastri, Ashoka, 202, Gautami Apartments, Barkatpura, Hyderabad-500027 (AP) Tel: 040-27551666



Dr. E.A. Siddiq, Ex-DDG (Crop Sciences), ICAR.Jasmine Plot No. 81, Happy Homes Colony, Upperpalii, Hyderguda, P.O.  Hyderabad-500030  (AP)  Tel:  040-24012695/24018625. Email: easiddiq[at]rediffmail[dot]com



Dr. C.R. Bhatia, 17, Rohini, Plot No. 29-30, Sector-9A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703 (MS) Tel: 022-27655178/27658504 Email: neil[at]bomb7[dot]vsnl[dot]net[dot]in



Dr. J.C. Katyal, Vice Chancellor, HAU, Hisar (Haryana). D-1/E-55, Bapu Dham, Saint Martin Marg, New Delhi Tel: 24675570



Dr. Kirti Singh, C-9/9766, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070. Tel: 011-51767608. Email: kirtisingh1934[at]hotmail[dot]com



Dr. Anupam Verma, 253, Jaimaa Apartments, Plot No. 16, Sector-5, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 Tel: 25072511 Email: anupamverma[at]vsnl[dot]net



Dr. I.C. Mahapatra, Satya Bhavan, A-3/82, Janakpuri, New Defhi-110058, Tel: 25555043/4243



Dr. S.M. Virmani, 811 A Road No. 41, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500033, AP.



Dr. R.L. Yadav, Director, Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research (HSR), Lucknow



Dr. P.V. Dehadrai, ex-DDG (Fisheries)ICAR, D-3/3403, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 Tel: 011-26899128. Email: pvdehadrai[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk



Dr. M.L. Madan, Anugraha, Madan Lodge, House No. 842/6, Urban Estate, Karnal, 132001- Haryana



Dr. K. Pradhan, ex-VC, RAU, Bikaner C-24/HIG, Housing Board Colony, Baraminda, Bhubaneswar -751003 Orissa.



Dr. Rajendra Prasad, C-309, Vardhman Apartments, Mayur Vihar Extension Phase-!, New Delhi-110091 Tel: 22712256/9810258485 Email: rajuma36[at]yahoo[dot]com



Dr. K. Vijay Raghavan, , ED, Sathguru Cornel Foundation, Hyderabad



Dr. Jayati Ghosh, Chairperson, AP Agriculture Commission Centre for Economic Studies and Planning School of Social Sciences, JNU, New Delhi - 110 067



Dr. B.B. Singh, 18/529, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-226016, Tel: 05270-2359090/ 9415002010



Prof. R.B. Singh, Member, National Farmers Commission, (NCF), Office Block, lind Floor, NASC Complex, opp. Todapur Village, PUSA, New Delhi-110012



Dr. Mangala Rai, Secretary , DARE and DG, ICAR, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-110001



Dr. V.V. Sadamate, Adviser (Agriculture), Planning Commission



Mrs. Reema Nanawati, Director (Rural Economics and Development), Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA), SEWA Reception Centre, Opposite Victoria Garden, Bhadra, Ahmedabad-380 001 (Gujarat)



Dr. Mruthunjaya, National Director NAIP and DDG, Education, ICAR, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, 2, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012 Tel: 26242333 Email: ndnatp[at]icar[dot]org[dot]in, mjayahegde[at]yahoo[dot]com

Member -Secretary

II. Terms of Reference

  1. To make critical review of Xth Plan achievements in terms of agricultural research, animal improvement health and productivity, fisheries, transfer of technology, human resource development in contrast to the objectives and targets set during Xth Plan.
  2. To identify critical gaps in scientific infrastructure in frontier areas of technology and to suggest the ways to bridge the gap, so as enable the nation to enhance its agricultural competitiveness in the context of WTO and I PR region.
  3. To draw/suggest specific schemes/ programmes pertaining to agricultural research, education, animal and fisheries sector and frontline transfer of technology to address the problems of less privileged regions.
  4. To critically examine the on-going programmes specific to farm women, small and marginal and tribal farmers and outline the R and D priorities.
  5. To suggest thrust areas of research to curb degradation of natural resources (soil, water and climate) and for enhancement of productivity and input use efficiency and farm profit.
  6. To critically review the status of post harvest management research, value addition and identify the priorities in terms of human resource development and institutional mechanism for attaining the desired results in this vital sector.
  7. To identify institutional mechanism for strengthening, monitoring and evaluation system in agricultural research, and to suggest efficient measures for effective coordination of agricultural research in SAUs, ICAR and private sector including the steps to be taken for strengthening public-private partnership.                                                         ,
  8. To critically examine strategies for reorienting of agricultural education at various levels to tend it towards agri-entrepreneurship, agro-industry friendly and sensitive to emerging challenges in agriculture and allied sectors.
  9. To draw/suggest specific schemes/programmes/research area pertair~. to agricultural research, education, animal and fisheries sector ana frontline transfer of technology including linkages with developmental departments.

2. The Working Group may co-opt any other official/non-officiai expert/representative of any organization as member (s), if required.

3. The Working Group may also examine and address any other issues which are important but are not specifically spelt out in the ToRs. The Working Group may devise its own procedures for conducting its business/ meetings.

4. The expenditure of the official members on TA/DA in connection with the meetings of the Working Group will be borne by their respective Ministry/Department as per the rules of entitlement applicable to them. . In case of non-officials, the TA/DA will be borne by the Planning Commission as admissible under SR 190(a).

5. The Working Group will be serviced by the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture.

6. The Working Group will submit its Interim Report by the end of June, 2006 and Final Report by the end of September, 2006 to the Planning Commission.

7. Dr.(Mrs.)Vandana Dwivedi, Joint Adviser(Agriculture)Planning Commission, Room No. 230, Yojana Bhavan, New Delhi-110001, Tel No. 011-23096730, Email: dwivediv[at]nic[dot]in and FAX No. 011-23327703 will be the nodal officer of this Working Group and any further query/correspondence in this regard may be made with her.