2nd Five Year Plan
  1. Development of the Economy : Achievement and Perspective
  2. Approach to the Second Five Year Plan
  3. The Plan in Outline
  4. Finance and Foreign Exchange
  5. Employment Aspect of the Plan
  6. Administrative Tasks and Organisation
  7. District Development Administration
  8. Personnel Requirements and Training Programmes
  9. Land Reform and Agrarian Reorganisation
  10. Development of Co-operation
  11. Community Development and National Extension
  12. Research and Statistics for Planning
  13. Programme for Agriculture
  14. Animal Husbandry and Fisheries
  15. Forests and Soil Conservation
  1. Agricultural Workers
  2. Irrigation and Power
  3. Development of Mineral Resources
  4. Programme of Industrial Development
  5. Village and Small Industries
  6. Transport
  7. Communications and Broadcasting
  8. Education
  9. Scientific and Technological Research
  10. Health
  11. Housing
  12. Labour Policy and Programmes
  13. Welfare of Backward Classes
  14. Social Welfare Services
  15. Rehabilitation of Displaced Persons
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As Approved by CABINET

Government of India,
Planning Commission, Yojana Bhavan, New Delhi