6th Five Year Plan
  1. Development Performance
  2. Development Perspective
  3. Objectives and Strategies of the Sixth Five Year Plan
  4. Public Sector Outlays
  5. Resources for the Plan
  6. Balance of Payments
  7. Policy Framework
  8. Plan Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
  9. Agriculture and Allied Sectors
  10. Irrigation, Command Area Development and Flood Control
  11. Rural Development and Cooperation
  12. Village and Small Industries
  13. Manpower and Employment
  14. Minimum Needs programmes
  1. Energy
  2. Industry and Minerals
  3. Transport
  4. Communication, Information and Broadcasting
  5. Science and Technology
  6. Environment
  7. Education
  8. Health, Family Planning and Nutrition
  9. Housing, Urban Development and water Supply
  10. Labour and labour Welfare
  11. Hill Area Development
  12. Development of Backward Classes
  13. Women and Development
  14. Social Welfare
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