8th Five Year Plan (Vol-2)
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Agricultural and Allied Activities || Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation || Irrigation, Command Area Development and Flood Control || Environment and Forests || Industry and Minerals || Village and Small Industries and Food Processing Industries || Labour and Labour Welfare || Energy || Transport || Communication, Information and Broadcasting || Education, Culture and Sports || Health and Family Welfare || Urban Development || Housing, Water Supply and Sanitation || Social Welfare || Welfare and Development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes || Special Area Development Programmes || Science and Technology || Plan Implementation and Evaluation


Statement- 3.1

Major and Medium Irrigation - Outlays and Expenditure
(Rs. in Lakhs)

S.No State/U.T. Seventh Plan 1990-91 1991-92
Plan Provision Actual Expdr. Plan Provision Actual Expdr. Plan Provision Anticipate Expdr.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
l.Andhra Pradesh 118230.00 127237.00 25700.00 26236.00 23645.00 28811.00
2-Arunachal Pradesh 100.00 113.00 50.00 445.00 100.00 100.00
S.Assam 13700.00 11606.00 2625.00 2242.00 3943.00 3943.00
4.Bihar 128500.00 133254.00 29892.00 25698.00 44787.00 13000.00
5-Goa 5400.00 6690.00 2370.00 2319.00 2763.00 2763.00
6.Gujarat 146909.00 99849.00 34490.00 37799.00 39600.00 40410.00
7.Haryana 41850.00 50201.00 7200.00 6843.00 8670.00 7570.00
S.Himachal Pradesh 1350.00 914.00 270.00 1284.00 307.00 307.00
9.J and K 5286.00 7155.00 1554.00 1157.00 1620.00 1729.00
lO.Kamataka 52300.00 52742.00 16040.00 16129.00 19130.00 19000.00
ll.Kerala 28000.00 30190.00 6230.00 6257.24 6751.00 6751.00
12.Madhya Pradesh 137592.00 115543.00 28492.00 22794.00 38006.00 28260.00
I3.Maharastra 132000.00 156186.73 31000.00 35266.01 25000.00 37390.00
14.Manipur 6000.00 7376.00 2800.00 2769.60 3400.00 3400.00
15-Meghalaya 55.00 21.00 120.00 59.00 52.00 46.00
16.Mizoram 50.00 41.90 20.00 40.0 10.0 10.0
17.Nagaland - - 30.0 30.0 25.00 25.00
I8.Orissa 55000.00 59147.00 18744.00 15545.00 25200.00 24420.00
19.Punjab 27078.00 22023.00 4276.00 2288.00 4071.00 4071.00
20.Rajasthan 63546.00 47061.00 10620.00 11011.00 13950.00 13850.00
21.Sikkim 600.00 - - - - -
22.Tamil Nadu 21200.00 19536.00 3826.00 4359.00 4943.00 5028.00
23.Tripura 2700.00 3087.00 600.00 721.93 840.00 840.00
24-Uttar Pradesh 142000.00 124501.00 30405.00 30044.00 30508.00 27508.00
25. West Bengal 20800.00 23437.00 5500.00 5100.00 5900.00 5900.00
Total States 1150246.00 1097911.63 262854.00 256436.78 303221.00 275132.00
Union Territories:
26.A and N Islands     - - - -
27. Chandigarh     -   - -
28. D and N Haveli 200.00 221.00 - 50.00 240.00 240.00
29-Damman and Diu   303.00 - - 12.00


30. Delhi 10.00 5.09 - - -  
31-Lakhdweep   - - - -  
32.Pondicherry 200.00 164.79 46.00 20.00 27.00 60.00
Total UT's 410.00 693.88 46.00 70.00 279.00 312.00

Statement - 3.2

List of on going major and medium Irrgation Projects in Eighth Five Year Plan(1992-97)
along with their cost, spillover cost, ultimate benefits and spill over benefits in Eighth Plan

(Rs. Crores/000 ha.)

Sl.No. Name of the Project Latest Cost Spillover Cost to 8th Plan Ultimate irrgn.Pot. Likely Spillover benefit to 8th Plan
Pot. Uti.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Andhra Pradesh
Major Projects
1. Sriram Sagar 1027.00 362.53 411.00 146.06 172.23
2. Srisailam RBC 544.50 439.89 76.89 75.89 76.89
3. Nagarjun Sagar 778.00 76.48 895.28 89.34 140.04
4. Godavari Barrage 153.00 13.64 Stabilisation only
5. Singur 130.42 14.57 Water Supply Scheme
6. Yelleru Reservoir 261.14 36.20   -do-  
7. Somasila 215.00 64.51 38.48 32.76 35.27
8. T.B.P.H.L.C.Stage II 193.00 80.45 89.62 40.97 59.79
9. Vamsadhara Stage I 73.85 24.51 20.13 4.21 4.36
10. Nizam Sagar 30.16 11.38 Stabilisation only
11. Jurala 275.00 143.21 87.70 86.20 87.70
12. Pulivendala Br. Canal 26.78 12.57 24.28 6.77 8.27
13. Telegu Ganga 1100.00 688.48 233.00 233.00 233.00
14. Srisailam LBC 480.00 425.06 121.41 121.41 121.41
15. Vamsadhara St. II 387.00 381.70 23.71 23.71 23.71
  Total (Major) 5674.85 2775.18 2021.50 860.32 962.67
  Medium Projects          
  (19 Nos.) 461.22 254.31 146.89 111.01 120.61
  Total Andhra Pradesh 6136.07 3029.49 2168.39 971.33 1083.28

Statement-3.2 Contd. (Rs. Crores/000 ha. )

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Major Projects
1. Dhansiri 100.53 15.26 69.00 57.313 57.313
2. Champamati 52.56 21.98 24.99 17.607 17.607
  Total (Major) 153.09 37.24 93.99 74.920 74.920
  Medium Schemes (12 Nos) 186.13 71.07 135.84 35.00 77.00
  Total Assam 339.22 108.31 229.83 109.92 151.92
  Major Projects          
Subemarekha Proj. 1428.89 880.54 209.30 195.00 209.00
2. Bagmati Proj. 314.67 279.09 101.60 - -
3. Western Kosi Canal 357.44 160.48 289.30 227.00 255.80
4. North Koel Reservoir 475.00 132.17 131.00 52.60 93.00
5. Durgawati Reservoir 147.40 76.01 63.40 50.40 63.40
6. Bamar Reservoir 102.38 74.35 22.40 22.40 22.40
7. Uppar Kiul Reservoir 63.67 2.49 14.80 1.80 1.80
8. Konar Diversion 225.40 153.92 62.80 62.80 62.80
9. Tilaiya Diversion 121.33 109.34 48.60 48.60 48.60
10. Bateshwarsthanpump Phase-1 136.67 119.58 25.40 25.40 25.40
  Bansagar Dam State Share 140.00 85.04 - - -
11. Ajoy Barrage Sikatia 133.11 68.27 40.47 40.47 40.47
12. Gandak Phase II 204.00 165.75 70.00 45.50 58.00
13. Kosi Phase II 52.00 32.13 - - -
14. Auranga Reservoir 257.00 243.13 55.40 55.40 55.40
15, Punasi Reservoir 145.00 112.70 24.00 24.00 24.00
  Total(Major) 4303.96 2695.02 1158.47 851.37 960.37
  Medium Projects(29 Nos) 740.23 386.19 176.40 126.50 151.30
  Total Bihar 5044.19 3081.21 1334.87 977.87 1111.67

Statement-3.2 Contd. ( Rs. Crores/000 ha. )

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  Major Projects 97.10 24.88 21.24 13.00 13.10
  Tillari Salauli 163.33 124.43 24.82 24.82 24.82
  Total(Major) 260.43 149.31 46.06 37.82 37.92
  Medium Projects 2 Nos. 62.33 37.82 15.82 11.20 11.20
  Total Goa 322.76 187.13 61.88 49.02 49.12
  Major Projects          
1. Karjan 228.98 39.22 77.56 42.52 77.56
2. Prevention of salinity 172.12 90.83 18.27 5.77 18.27
3. Machhu-II 36.57 3.50 9.99 4.49 9.99
4. Machhu-I (Dame Safety) 2.69 1.09 - - -
5. Sabarmati 110.71 5.00 56.68 3.68 56.68
6. Damnganga 204.43 28.10 51.56 9.62 51.56
7. Bajajsagar N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
8. Jhankhari 61.52 58.26 24.00 24.00 24.00
9. Ukai-Kakrapar 65.43 8.95 3.09 0.09 3.09
10. Sardar Sarovar Project 10000.00 8706.17 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00
  Total (Major) 10882.45 8941.12 2041.15 1890.17 2041.15
  Medium Projects (47 Nos.) 1018.41 182.41 314.94 93.66 314.94
  Total Gujarat 11900.86 9123.53 2356.09 1983.83 2356.09

Statement-3.2 Contd. ( Rs. Crores/000 ha. )

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Major Projects
1. Modernisation of esxisting channel Ph It and III 490.46 280.73 140.00 128.40 128.40
2. Installation of 324 Sprinklers 28.95 25.04 14.00 12.00 12.00
3. Construction of New Tajewala 64.35 42.38 - - -
4. J.L.N. Lift Irrgn. 164.67 3.61 164.00 49.00 124.00
5. Gurgaon Canal Proj. 40.41 12.47 81.00 20.00 64.00
6. Const. ofSYLProj. 559.00 110.06 - - -
7. Improvement of existing channels 84.49 66.11 96.00 90.00 90.00
Nagal Lift Inigation 8.35 1.99 14.00 2.00 5.00
  Total (Major) 1440.68 542.39 509.00 301.40 423.40
Medium Projects - - - - -
Total Haryana 1440.68 542.30 509.00 301.40 423.40
Himachal Pradesh
Major Projects
Shahnahar Project 93.20 90.00 - - -
Medium Projects
  (2 Nos) 19.50 8.28 3.33 0.92 2.12
Total Himachal Pradesh 112.70 98.28 3.33 0.92 2.12
Jammu and Kashmir
Major Projects
1. Ravi Tawi Irrgn. Canal Project 173.41 77.34 55.00 15.00 18.00
Medium Projects (16 Nos.) 200.25 125.45 54.11 40.29 43.97
Total Jammu and Kashmir 373.66 202.79 109.11 55.29 61.97

Statement-3.2 Contd. * (Rs. Crores/000 ha.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Major Projects
1. Upper Krishna 2998.00 2521.85 424.93 294.20 342.53
2. Bhadra 80.14 10.67 105.57 - -
3. Tungabhadra LBC and Dam 112.55 4.99 244.38 2.17 29.48
Tgabhadra Rt bank HLC 33.18 11.66 80.91 12.34 12.65
4. Malaprava 383.22 114.14 218.19 62.16 84.93
5. Karanja 109.94 37.85 35.61 30.36 35.61
6. Benniethore 79.06 56.50 20.24 20.24 20.24
7. Ghataprabha St. 3 540.57 411.12 178.06 152.58 166.40
8. Dudha Ganga 37.60 30.90 19.67 19.67 19.67
Total(Major) 4374.26 3199.68 1327.56 299.52 368.98
Medium Projects
(8 Nos) 253.51 163.21 48.07 42.23 41.53
Total Karnataka 4627.77 3362.89 1375.63 341.75 410.51
Major Projects
l.Pamba 61.25 0.80 49.46 - -
2.Kuttiadi 56.50 3.31 35.85 - -
3.Chimoni Mopli 36.66 1.96 26.00 13.00 13.00
4.Kaihirpuzha 66.74 9.62 21.85 6.37 6.37
5-Pazhasi 89.12 12.66 23.05 11.55 L1.55
6.Kallada 457.80 99.79 92.80 21.53 21.53
7.1damalayar 67.40 41.05 43.19 43.19 43.19
8-Muvattupuzha 89.25 37.94 34.74 34.74 34.74
Total (Major) 924.72 207.13 326.94 130.38 130.38
Medium Projects
(4 Nos)
148.74 118.55 46.62 46.62 46.62
Total Kerala 1073.46 325.68 373.56 177.00 177.00

Statement-3.2 Contd. (Rs. Crores/000 ha.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  Madhya Pradesh          
  Major Projects          
1. Hasdeo Bango H692.88 692.88 303.51 392.00 293.00 322.00
2. Hanadi Reservoir 961.60 681.53 304.90 205.50 239.90
3. Bargi Unit-1 191.31 34.82 219.80 194.80 204.80
  Unit-11 375.03 261.42 - - -
4. Upper Wainganga 149.88 29.59 103.90 35.20 85.90
5. Thanwar 24.40 5.04 18.20 1.10 12.80
6. Kolar 157.40 31.29 60.90 44.40 55.90
7. Pairi 33.54 13.84 72.80 27.10 37.30
8. Jonk 46.38 23.85 14.50 8.90 10.50
9. Kodar 38.28 14.92 23.50 2.90 6.50
10. Sindh Phase-1 35.52 6.87 37.60 2.40 30.20
11. Halali 20.57 2.44 37.60 1.60 14.60
12. Tawa 128.90 4.79 333.00 26.60 183.00
13. Bama 24.70 4.61 60.50 -NIL- 24.50
14. Bhandeer Canal 13.01 7.45 44.50 -NIL- 12.50
15. Bansagar          
  Unit-1 448.03 194.54) 249.00 249.00 249.00
  Unit-11 403.28 329.52) - - -
  Unit-1 133.50 61.82) 116.60 116.60 116.60
  Unit-11 287.38 235.43) - - -
16. Bariarpur L.B.C. 84.60 50.04 43.80 43.80 43.80
17. Urmil 20.70 10.57 7.70 7.70 7.70
  Bawanthadi 89.78 76.93 29.40 29.40 29.40
18. Mahi 99.50 74.13 26.40 26.40 26.40
19. Sindh Phase-11 607.67 567.23 120.00 120.00 120.00
20. Rangwan .H.L.C 8.83 0.10 17.10 -nil- 10.70
21. Sukta 13.40 0.08 18.60 -nil- 11.10
  Total(Major) 4947.18 3026.36 2352.30 1436.40 1855.10
  Medium Projects               
  (50 Nos.) 924.12 377.80 303.00 191.00 225.60
  Total Madhya Pradesh 5871.30 3404.16 2655.30 1627.40 2080.70

Statement-3.2 Contd. (Rs. Crores/000 ha.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Major Projects  
1. Jayakawadi ST.I and II 650.46 143.00 135.57 68.80 113.18
2. Surya 155.99 66.54 27.19 5.07 26.47
3. Bhatsa 83.41 45.64 42.55 31.27 41.66
4. Upper Tapi 101.32 20.95 55.14 7.88 52.29
5. Kukadi 543.94 289.16 156.27 98.91 126.46
6. Bhima 571.39 236.77 162.50 51.69 108.25
7. Khadakwasia 202.50 67.58 62.15 19.79 37.59
8. Krishna 224.14 75.00 113.26 34.68 89.16
9. Lower Tima 122.94 50.94 20.26 14.83 20.26
10. Upper Penganga 424.16 206.05 111.53 71.16 102.07
11. Lower Unnal 95.34 44.57 20.78 18.29 20.78
12. Arwak 29.46 14.36 10.32 10.32 10.32
13. Upper Godawari 132.99 71.98 67.29 8.04 34.14
14. Arnow 19 290.23 113.92 112.12 104.26
15. Dudhganga 254.41 158.72 65.14 64.34 61.47
16. Vishnupuri 157.75 75.00 35.73 26.19 34.61
17. Upper Wardha 356.56 182.28 80.25 78.65 80.25
18. Arunawati 89.57 40.88 30.87 30.87 30.87
19. Tillari 43.32 20.45 7.01 7.01 7.01
20. Chaskman 177.79 79.11 38.62 38.62 38.62
21. Wan 70.80 45.93 17.56 17.56 17.56
22. Waghur 69.36 62.69 23.58 23.58 23.58
23. Krishna Koyna L.I. 293.27 256.45 36.31 36.31 36.31
24. Nandur madhmeshwar 100.20 90.14 45.12 45.12 45.12
25. Bawanthadi 81.81 69.27 25.31 25.31 25.31
26. Talamba 106.71 99.91 16.15 16.15 16.15
27. Punad 49^03 46.62 16.86 16.86 16.86
28. Upper Pravara 182.55 172.32 66.90 66.90 66.90
29. Tultuli 51.93 48.37 30.39 30.39 30.39
30. Human 93.04 88.36 36.22 36.22 36.22
31. Nira Deodhar 103.95 103.70 31.21 31.21 31.21
32. Goshikhurd 542.90 523.00 190.00 190.00 190.00
33. Lendi 71.38 68.70 19.58 19.58 19.58
34. Lower Wardha 117.18 111.89 52.98 52.98 52.98
35. Lower Dudhana 85.07 84.30 29.80 29.80 29.80

Statement-3.2 Contd. ( Rs. Crores/000 ha. )

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
36. Lower Penganga 232.81 232.50 135.57 135.57 135.57
37. Nakolegaon 22.89 22.89 13.26 13.26 13.26
38. Poshir 12.94 12.94 11.36 11.36 11.36
  Total(Major) 7162.45 4319.19 2154.51 1596.69 1937.38
Medium Projects
  (73 Nos.) 1053.46 601.26 337.31 265.33 327.36
  Total Maharashtra 8215.9 4920.45 2491.82 1862.02 2265.24
Major projects
1. Singda 34.30 2.52 4.00 4.00 4.00
2. Thoubal 150.00 71.57 29.67 25.67 25.97
3. Khuga 67.70 33.74 15.00 15.00 15.00
  Total(Major) 252.00 107.83 48.67 44.67 44.97
  Medium Scheme              
   Total Manipur 252.00 107.83 48.67 44.67 44.97


Major Project " Medium
1. Rongaivalley Irrgn. Project 16.30 15.03 3.49 3.49 3.49
  Total Meghalaya 16.30 15.03 3.49 3.49 3.49
Major Projects
1. Upper Indravati Dam 139.11 40.92 I Benefit - -
2. Upper Indravati Irrgn 338.17 256.34 218.64 214.64 214.64
3. Upper Kolab Irrgn 160.00. 75.86 88.76 64.51 76.76
4. Subama-rekha 1097.00 894.94 176.50 176.50 176.50
5. Rengali Irrigation 1475.00 1327.87 423.60 423.60 423.60
6. Ong Dam 102.00 99.50 34.50 34.50 34.50
7. Lower Indra 114.52 113.44 32.89 32.89 32.89
8. Knupur 268.02 264.29 41.40 41.40 \ 41.40
9. IB 228.46 227.99 152.60 152.60 r52.60
10. Lower Suktel 74.76 74.23 34.05 34.05 34.05
11. Bagh Barrage 28.77 28.32 12.42 12.42 12.42

Statement-3.2 Contd. (Rs. Crores/000 ha. )

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
12. Mahanancli chitrotpala 93.07 87.26 35.95 35.95 35.95
13. Samakoi 82.35 80.86 32.67 32.67 32.67
   Total (Major) 4201.23 3571.82 1283.94 1255.73 1267.98
  Medium Projects (10 Nos.) 391.34 205.47 93.86 96.86 96.86
   Total Orissa 4592.57 3777.25 1380.80 1349.59 1364.84
  Punjab Major Projects   










1. Lining of Channels Ph. II 100.00 84.28 53.50 42.00 42.00
2. Rehabilitation and Improvement of Canal regulation structure in canal system (Gates and Gearing) 24.82 23.04 25.00 24.70 24.70
   Extention and Improvement of Shah nahar Canal system 102.75 36.81 25.36 8.65 22.86
3. Extention of Non-perennial Irrigation in UBDT Tract 11.24 1.35 233.00 0.01 2.01
4. Lining of channels Ph I 190.92 5.00 86.89 1.50 8.19
5. Remodelling of channels utilisation of surplus Ravi Beas waters 19.05 2.94 418.00 89.90 102.11
  SYL main canal 88.17 23.84 - - -
6. SYL providing irrigation facilities to Pb.area 142.29 96.36 130.00 127.50 130.00
7. Raising lining of DML for providing area board 0.82 0.62 - - -
  Total(Major) 680.06 274.24 971.75 294.26 331.87
   Medium Projects ( 1 No. ) 2.00 1.75 - - -
   Total Punjab 682.06 275.99 971.75 294.26 331.87

Statement-3.2 Contd. (Rs. Crores/000 ha.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Major Projects
1. Indira Gandhi Nahar Stage-1 255.00 12.09    Show under Stage-11
2. Chambal Tech. Committeee .10.47 2.32 213.00 -Nil- 0.54
3. Rana Pratap Sagar 20.18 1.12 0.00 0.00 0.00
4. Jawar Sagar 15.68 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00
5. Raising Of Kota Barrage 0.55 0.02 - - -
6. Jakham 84.80 18.01 23.50 2.08 9.46
  Gurgaon Canal 33.16 12.69 28.20 2.26 17.03
7. Mahi Bajaj Sagar Unit I and II 429.20 199.52 128.60 86.32 106.22
8. Indira Gandhi Nahar Stage-11 1430.00 868.45 1386.00 576.73 762.5S
9. Okhala Barrage 2.27 2.07 0.00 0.00 0.00
10. Narmada 548.00 544.13 73.16 73.16 73.16
11. Sidmukh and Nohar 197.00 190.58 67.34 67.34 67.34
12. Bisalpur Stage-1 179.68 147.20 60.00 60.00 60.00
  Total(Major) 3205.99 1998.77 1979.80 867.89 1096.30
  Medium Schemes               
   (9 Nos.) 323.18 137.08 83.44 44.84 55.07
   Total Rajasthan 3529.17 2135.85 2063.24 912.73 1151.37
   Tamil Nadu              
   Major Projects               
1. Modernisation Of Periyar 124.72 29.23 Stabilisation only
  Vaigai Stage II               
2. Perambikulamaliyar 94.51 5.67 172.08 7.00 6.84
   Total (Major) 219.23 34.50 172.08 7.00 6.84
   Medium Projects               
   (5 Nos.) 67.24 2.25 14.63 3.30 3.73
   Total Tamil Nadu 286.47 36.75 186.71 10.30 10.57
    Major Project                  
   Medium Schemes(3 NOs.) 105.59 53.17 25.52 23.52 23.52
   Total Tripura 105.59 53.17 25.52 23.52


Statement-3.2 Contd. (Rs. Crores/000 ha.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Uttar Pradesh, Major Projects
1. Upper Ganga irrigation mod. project               
(i) Uppa Ganga Canal(Ist time slice) 510,00 215.33 9.00 9.00 9.CO
(ii) Maclhya Ganga Canal(Stage I) 408.06 132.82 178.00 77.02 163.77
(iii) Upper Ganga irrigation mod. project (lind time slice) 513.00 513.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
2. Rajghat Dam (ID Share) 106.88 14.03 - - -
3. Rajghat Canal (UP) 126.44 83.08 109.05 109.05 109.05
4. Urmil Dam 26.03 3.43 4.77 4.77 4.77
   Bansagar Dam (UP share) 112.00 57.14 - - -
5. Bnsagar Canal 218.19 215.04 129.05 129.05 129.05
6. Western Ganga Canal 158.77 26.00 - - -
7. Sarda Sahayak 1064.60 325.30 1582.00 459.65 881.82
8. Tehri Dam (I. D. share) 311.81 155.79 - - -
9. Lakhwarvyasi Dam (I.D. share) 319.00 194.18 - - -
10. Jamrani Dam 194.00 174.44 60.60 39.60 45.60
11. I/C of Narainpur PC 54.59 8.00 73.14 5.14 35.27
12. Maudha Dam 76.21 15.41 28.24 27.24 28.24
13. Bewar Feeder 29.74 3.54 9.80 9.80 9.80
14. I/C of Zamania PC 39.90 1.63 25.72 5.75 8.57
15. Raising of Meja Dam 45.02 8.00 17.88 - 17.02
   Remod of Bhimgoda head works 35.96 1.55 - - -
16. Eastern Ganga Canal 266.55 120.76 105.00 79.33 102.00
17. Sarju Nahar Pariyojana 1256.00 916.10 1404.00 1346.00 1398.88
18. Sone Pump Canal 72.55 33.14 42.90 22.90 40.35
19. Kanhar irrigation 150.23 116.23 33.13 33.13 33.13
   Total (Major) 6095.53 3333.94 3827.28 2372.18 3031.32
      Medium Schemes (6 Nos) 12.49 36.72 30.36 8.60 27.93
  Total Uttar Pradesh 6208.02 3370.66 3857.64 2380.78 3059.25

Statement-3.2 Contd. (Rs. Crores/080 ha. )

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
West Bengal, Major projects
1. Mod of Kangsabati Res. Project 311.07 309.58 Stabilisation to be ensured with the progress of work
2. Kansabati Res.Projectl58.39 11.99 401.66 2.66 39.51   
3. Barrage and irrigation system of D.V.C. (Ext. and improvement) 60.00 15.42 515.38 37.38 60.88
4. Teesta Barrage Project (1st Sub stage) 695.00 302.77 526.62 481.12 494.15
5. Subamarekha barrage Project 226.82 217.55 130.00 130.00 130.00
Total (Major) 1451.28 857.31 1573.66 651.16 724.54
  Medium Projects (17 No.s) 70.45 24.89 36.94 3.20 6.02
  Pondichery Major projects Medium Projects     
   (1 Nos.) 17.00 13.51 Stabilisation only

Statement - 3.3

Benefits From Major And Medium Irrigation Schemes('000 ha)

S.N State/UTs 0. Ultimate Irrigation
Potential -
Benefit To End Of Seventh Plan Achievement During Target For Eighth Plan
1990-91 1991-92
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Andhra Pradesh 5000.00 3331.00 3148.00 40.00 40.00 39.89 26.33 419.00 208.00
2. Arunachal Pradesh - - - - - - - - -
3. Assam 970.00 147.00 97.00 20.00 10.00 26.20 9.09 120.00 74.80
4. Bihar 6500.00 2715.00 2525.00 17.00 110.00 17.00 '110.00 315.00 410.00
5. Goa 62.00 12.87 4.85 2.00 6.50 0.00 3.61 36.20 14.23
6. Gujarat 3000.00 1244.00 1225.00 39.79 57.75 35.00 60.00 448.00 404.00
7. Harayana 3000.00 2021.00 1791,00 7.70 7.70 37.60 37.60 296.00 270.00
8. Himachal Pradesh 50.00 7.00 4.00 0.25 0.25 0.21 0.15 2.64 2.00
9. J and K 250.00 153.00 132.00 3.00 3.00 15.60 14.75 20.50 23.00
10. Karnataka 2500.00 1409.00 1237.00 39.00 31.00 49.50 39.60 401.00 361.00
ll.Kerala 1000.00 562.00 562.00 57.48 57.48 50.00 50.00 148.00 148.00
12. Madhya Pradesh 6000.00 2138.00 1504.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 45.10 450.00 300.00
13. Maharastra 4100.00 1953.00 1190.00 34.85 58.40 47.00 58.40 400.00 444.00
14. Manipur 135.00 98.80 69.80 3.60 4.64 1.70 3.95 54.16 43.39
15. Meghalaya 20.00 - - 1.94 1.94 1.00 1.00 3.88 3.00
16. Mizoram - - - - - - - - -
17. Nagaland 10.00 - - - - - - - -
IS.Orissa . 3600.00 1359.00 1259.00 74.10 61.95 39.43 11.85 334.00 340.00
19. Punjab 3000.00 2633.00 2522.00 40.35 19.35 28.80 28.80 176.42 176.42
20. Rajasthan 2750.00 1913.00 1795.00 59.48 50.06 56.09 80.47 288.61 232.13
21. Sikkim 20.00 - - - - - - - -
22. Tamil Nadu 1500.00 1460.00 1444.00 6.80 6.80 3.97 6.76 10.30 10.57
23.Tripura 100.00 2.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 2.00 1.00 13.20 12.00
24. Uttar Pradesh 12500.00 6659.00 5696.00 132.00 135.00 52.00 66.00 976.00 600.00
25. West Bengal 2300.00 1701.00 1560.00 20.00 22.00 25.29 31.71 170.53 171.56
Total States 58367.00 31518.67 27765.65 674.84 758.82 603.28 686.17 5083.44 4248.10
26. A and N Islands   - - - - - - - -
27. Chandigarh   - - - - - - - -
28 D and N Haveli   - - - - - - - -
29. Damman and Diu 87.00 - - - - 0.50 - 1.71 1.71
30. Delhi   - - - - - - - -
31. Lakshadweep   - - - - - - - -
32. Pondicherry 11.00 4.77 4.76 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 2.50 2.50
Total UT's 98.00 4.77 4.76 0.15 0.15 0.60 0.10 4.21 4.21
Total States and UT's 58465.00 31523.4427770.41 674.99 758.97 603.88 686.275087.654252.31

Statement - 3.4

Command Area Development - Outlays and Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs)

S.No. States/ UTs Seventh Plan 1990-91 1991-92
Plan Provision Actual Plan Expdr. Provision Actual Expdr. Plan
Anticipate Expdr.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Andhra Pradesh 11050.00 3363.00 700.00 525.00 567.00 700.00
2. Arunachal Pradesh 10.00 8.90 35.00 35.00
3. Assam 1000.00 861.00 300.00 300.00 310.00 310.00
4. Bihar 3500.00 2814.00 1000.00 851.00 1373.00 1000.00
5. Goa 665.00 564.52 142.00 127.01 192.00 192.00
6. Gujarat 6067.00 3933.00 1175.00 678.00 1940.00 1288.00
7. Haryana 8625.00 1688.00 450.00 510.00 2873.00 676.00
8. Himachal Pradesh 300.00 154.00 40.00 43.00 46.00 46.00
9. J and K 550.00 506.00 170.00 170.00 187.00 187.00
10. Kamataka 4700.00 5912.00 1784.00 1784.00 1808.00 1608.00
11. Kerala 2900.00 1476.00 965.00 803.00 827.00 893.00
12. Madhya Pradesh 16196.00 11593.00 2366.00 1516.00 2491.00 2491.00
13. Maharastra 31991.00 27303.00 4500.00 4500.00 4000.00 4310.00
14. Manipur 300.00 223.00 50.00 48.00 150.00 150.00
15. Meghalaya 53.00 20.00 26.95 65.00 65.00
16. Mizoram
17. Nagaland 30.00 30.00
18. Orissa 1900.00 1215.00 394.00 214.00 453.00 453.00
19. Punjab. 1600.00 3300.00 600.00 578.00 1100.00 1307.00
20. Rajasthan 9912.00 13513.00 4660.00 4041.00 6266.00 6266.00
21. Sikkim
22. Tamil Nadu 4000.00 4109.00 890.00 981.00 900.00 952.00
23. Tripura 700.00 10.00 7.37 10.00 10.00
24. Uttar Pradesh 10700.00 9162.00 1200.00 1810.00 1800.00 1924.00
25. West Bengal 900.00 477.00 155.00 157.00 175.00 175.00
Total States 116856.00 92919.52 21581.00 19679.23 27598.00 25068.00
Union Territories
26. A and N Islands
27. Chandigarh - - - - - -
28. D and N Haveli 215.00 127.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 50.00
29. Damman and Diu - 30.00 - 20.00 - -
30. Delhi - - - - - -
31. Lakhdweep - - - - - -
32. Pondicherry - - - - - -
Total UT's 215.00 157.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5000
Total States and UT's 117071.00 93076.52 21631.00 19729.23 27648.00 25118.00
Central Sector 50000.00 49687.00 11000.00 9423.00 9000.00 9644.00
Grand Total 167071.00 142763.52 32631.00 29152.23 36648.00 34762.00

Statement - 3.5

Minor Irrigation - Outlays and Expenditure(Rs. in Lakhs)

S.No. States/UTs Seventh Plan 1990-91 1991-92
Plan Provision Actual Expdr. Plan Provision Actual Expdr. Plan Provision Anticipate Expdr.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1. Andhra Pradesh 14740.00 17604.00 3100.00 6307.00 3904.00 0539.00
2. Arunachal Pradesh 2300.00 2332.00 860.00 764.00 1072.00 1072.00
3. Assam 16000.00 16253.00 3900.00 3900.00 4805.00 4805.09
4. Bihar 26000.00 28403.00 4552.00 6066.00 9721.00 8637.00
5. Goa 880.00 880.00 329.00 373.00 340.00 340.00
6. Gujarat 13455.00 10978.00 2525.00 2630.00 3352.00 3265.00
7. Harayana 1417.00 9596.00 270.00 2150.00 2873.00 2428.00
8. Himachal Pradesh 5400.00 5998.00 2225.00 2070.00 3050.00 3050.00
9. J and K 4200.00 6269.00 1635.00 1436.00 1651.00 1856.50
10. Kamataka 15100.00 17270.00 3116.00 3168.00 3705.00 3705.00
11. Kerala 5000.00 4463.00 1650.00 1560.20 1882.00 2083.00
12. Madhya Pradesh 43360.00 33019.00 14413.00 9381.00 6977.00 11700.00
13. Maharastra 25000.00 39936.00 10702.00 11474.09 9000.00 11000.00
14. Manipur 1000.00 871.00 310.00 269.00 435.00 435.00
15. Meghalaya 970.00 1014.00 551.00 355.00 555.00 555.00
16. Mizoram 700.00 684.00 242.00 242.00 290.0 250.0
17. Nagaland 1500.00 1442.00 293.0 293.00 577.00 577.00
18. Orissa 11000.00 18295.00 4800.00 4416.00 5900.00 5900.00
19. Punjab 4622.00 3496.00 1730.00 1707.00 1853.00 2163.00
20. Rajasthan 4788.00 5585.00 2429.00 2113.00 2684.00 2684.00
21. Sikkim 1000.00 882.25 190.00 189.00 200.00 200.00
22. Tamil Nadu 8500.00 1002.80 2634.00 2929.00 3323.00 4572.00
23. Tripura 1500.00 2055.00 830.00 830.00 750.00 750.00
24. Uttar Pradesh 51200.00 58921.00 14692.00 11724.00 8763.00 8613.00
25. West Bengal 6800.00 8682.00 4821.00 4125.00 5439.00 5439.00
   Total States 266432.00 295931.05 82799.00 80471.29 83101.00 9261S.50
Union Territories
26. A and N Islands 270.00 280.00 120.00 101.81 122.00 122.00
27. Chandigarh 60.00 96.47 20.00 5.02 20.00 20.00
28. D and N Haveli 213.00 152.00 35.00 44.00 55.00 55.00
29. Damman and Diu - - 6.00 0.50 13.00 14.00
30. Delhi 519.00 455.15 271.00 103.82 246.00 204.GO
31. Lakhdweep - - - - - -
32. Pondicherry 505.00 551.41 113.00 102.27 180.00 146.50
  Total UT's 1567.00 1535.03 565.00 357.42 636.00 5<1.50
Total States and UT's 267999.00 2T7466.08 83364.00 80828.71 83737.00 93180.00
Central Sector 13500.00 14007.00 4190.00 2387.00 5783.00 4542.00
Grand total 281499.03 311473.08 87554.00 83215.71 89520.00 97722.00

Statement - 3.6 Minor Irrigation - - Physical achivements/targets(in '000 ha.)

S.No. and State/UTs Ultimate Irrgn. Potential Upto Seventh Plan During 1990-91 During 1991-92 (anticipated) Eighth Plan Target
Potential utili- Potential sation utili- Potential sation utili- Potential ation utilisation
1, 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11
l.Andhra Pradesh 4200 2797.00 2595.88 20.19 15.36 54.32 37.92 500.00 400.00
2.Arunachal Pradesh 260 55.98 49.65 3.32 2.00 3.70 2.20 20.00 20.00
S.Assam 1700 537.04 438.87 21.02 16.76 63.40 67.90 180.00 120.00
4,Bihar 5900 4428.00 3991.00 180.00 177.60 161.95 160.51 1832.00 1466.00
5.Goa 20 17.15 16.01 0.62 0.41 0.56 4.08 4.00 3.00
6.Gujarat 1750 1850.32 1773.21 27.98 14.01 32.00 15.38 180.00 150.00
7,Haryana 1550 1487.97 1454.92 13.60 10.80 13.60 13.60 100.00 90.00
8-Himachal Pradesh 285 126.60 112.67 5.04 3.00 4.80 2.90 25.00 20.00
9Jammu and Kashmir 550 356.27 346.17 2.70 2.25 2.88 2.47 40.00 40.00
lO.Karnataka 2100 1355.44 1317.44 43.80 42.30 50.56 46.35 220.00 200.00
ll.Kerala 1100 479.38 437.27 18.64 25.34 17.85 24.85 100.00 85.00
12.Madhya Pradesh 4200 2381.40 2247.20 118.92 73.92 74.00 51.00 ' 500.00 375.00
13.Maharashtra 3200 2394.10 2164.60 31.55 20.55 36.00 26.00 400.00 325.00
14-Manipur 105 46.87 39.52 1.20 0.75 1.50 0.95 15.00 12.00
15-Meghalaya 100 40.43 35.63 0.41 0.31 3.30 2.50 12.00 8.00
16.Mizoram 70 9.49 8.22 0.55 0.51 0.51 0.40 6.00 4.00
17,Nagaland 80 62.73 54.43 1.20 0.76 1.22 0.80 13.00 10.00
IS.Orissa 2300 1156.17 1059.50 48.28 32.55 54.17 24.40 150.00 150.00
19. Punjab 3550 3252.74 3202.39 3.50 3.50 11.32 11.32 76,00 70.00
20.Rajasthan 2400 2263.14 2203.29 67.77 62.15 57.57 51.42 300.00 280.00
2i.Sikkim 22 20.36 15.85 1.01 0.60 0.95 0.60 5.00 4.00
22,Tamilnadu 2400 2058.39 2049.30 33.11 36.81 33.73 33.47 110.00 107.00
23.Tripura 115 80.54 72.52 3.61 3.98 4.20 2.92 27.00 16.00
24. Uttar Pradesh 13200 16642.00 15182.00 1098.00 1062.00 1087.00 1050.00 5439.00 5000.00
25. West Bengal 380C 2624.60 2175.00 68.95 62.60 100.00 60.0C 450.00 400.00
Total States 54957.00 46524,11 43042.54 1814.97 1670.82 1871.09 1693.94  10704.00 9355.00
Total U.T.s 90 81.31 77.13 0.39 0.4C 1.18 0.96 7.00 5.00
AH India Total 55047.00 46605.42 43119.67 1815.36 1671.22 1872.27 1694.9010711.009360.00

Statement - 3.7

Ultimate Irrigation Potential under revision.
Flood Control - Outlays and Expenditure(Rs. in Lakhs)

S.No. States/ UTs Seventh Plan 1990-91 1991-92
Plan Provision Actual Plan Expdr. Provision Actual Plan Anticipate
Expdr. Provision Expdr.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1. Andhra Pradesh 4790.00 2743.00 500.00 993.00 390.00 5315.00
2. Arunachal Pradesh 200.00 210.00 100.00 86.00 153.00 153.00
3. Assam 2700.00 3456.00 870.00 903.00 1467.00 1467.00
4. Bihar 14400.00 20841.00 4000.00 3193.00 5490.00 5039.00
5. Goa 100.00 65.84 30.00 32.30 20.00 20.00
6. Gujarat 1200.00 812.00 150.00 100.00 160.00 160.00
7. Haryana 7569.00 5320.00 950.00 1293.00 1045.00 1045.00
8. Himachal Pradesh 400.00 308.00 90.00 79.00 100.00 100.00
9. J and K 2000.00 2750.00 741.00 881.00 756.00 761.00
10. Kamataka 400.00 324.00 250.00 250.00 200.00 200.00
11. Kerala 2500.00 1796.00 550.00 562.00 930.00 930.00
12. Madhya Pradesh 500.00 413.00 89.00 85.00 98.00 98.00
13. Maharastra 70.00 97.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
14. Manipur 500.00 702.00 200.00 228.00 416.00 416.00
15. Meghalaya 135.00 135.00 67.00 12.00 66.00 66.00
16. Mizoram 100.00 51.00 15.00 15.00 20.0 20.0
17. Nagaland - - - - 20.00 20.00
18. Orissa 1700.00 2081.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1280.00
19. Punjab 3709.00 6182.00 1900.00 1487.00 1440.00 1440.00
20. Rajas than 1460.00 828.00 400.00 307.00 457.00 400.00
21. Sikkim 105.00 87.86 20.00 4.66 20.00 11.00
22. Tamil Nadu 1300.00 1132.00 50.00 17.00 50.00 73.00
23. Tripura 600.00 684.00 180.00 180.00 200.00 208.00
24. Uttar Pradesh 16100.00 10216.00 1650.00 1530.00 1500.00 1000.00
25. West Bengal 10500.00 11264.00 3500.00 2915.00 4000.00 4000.00
  Total States 73038.00 72498.70 16832.00 15682.96 19528.00 24252.00
Union Territories
26. A and N Islands - - - -   -
27. Chandigarh - - - - - -
28. D and N Haveli 10.00 - - - - -
29. Damman and Diu 18.00 14.00 8.00 18.00 18.00
30. Delhi 6398.00 5184.89 1729.00 1063.51 1300.00 1184.70
31. Lakhdweep / 100.00 122.35 50.00 89.99 50.00 50.00
32. Pondicherry 200.00 277.89 65.00 54.70 70.00 70.50
Total UT's ' 6708.00 5603.13 1858.00 1216.20 1438.00 1323..20
Total States and IJT's 79746.00 78101.83 18690.00 16899.16 20966.00 25575.20
Central Sector 14993.00 16056.00 4701.00 2796.00 7833.00 3980.00
Grand Total 94739.00 94157.83 23391.00 19695.16 28799.00 29555.20

Statement - 3.8

Eighth Five Year Plan Outlays For Irrigation and Flood Control

S. No. State/UTs
Major and
Minorlrrgn. C.A.D. Flood Control Total Irrgn. and
Flood Control
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Andhra Pradesh 2066.78 234.68 55.00 143.54 2500.00
2. Arunachal Pradesh 4.71 53.69 1.70 4.71 64.81
3. Assam 86.11 183.45 16.79 86.85 373.20
4. Bihar 1927.17 1021.30 70.65 251.71 3270.83
5. Goa 114.70 13.10 6.40 0.90 135.10
6. Gujarat 3426.00 240.00 80.00 10.00 3756.00
7. Harayana 446.67 134.45 45.77 52.00 678.89
8. Himachal Pradesh 16.00 95.25 2.45 6.00 119.70
9. J and K 70.57 84.20 10.00 40.75 205.52
10. Kamataka 1936.09 306.91 130.00 11.00 2384.00
11. Kerala 437.00 130.00 60.00 65.00 692.00
12. Madhya Pradesh 1791.29 728.37 128.05 8.53 2656.24
13. Maharastra 2391.54 612.17 323.93 1.46 3329.10
14. Manipur 125.00 25.00 7.00 20.00 177.00
15. Meghalaya 11.10 29.03 0.00 8.54 48.67
16. Mizoram 1.00 11.75 0.00 0.25 13.00
17. Nagaland 2.00 21.00 0.50 1.50 25.00
18. Orissa 2614.33 389.40 33.40 42.05 3079.18
19. Punjab 257.73 113.20 140.00 125.00 635.93
20. Rajasthan 1310.08 171.92 412.69 25.30 1919.99
21. Sikkim 0.00 11.50 1.50 0.00 13.00
22. Tamil Nadu 260.00 250.00 45.00 30.00 585.00
23. Tripura 35.00 31.50 0.50 8.00 75.00
24. Uttar Pradesh 2599.34 400.60 90.00 70.00 3159.94
25. West Bengal 380.00 370.00 18.00 280.00 1048.00
Total States 22310.21 5662.47 1679.33 1293.09 30945.10
Union Territories
26. A and N Islands 0.00 4.24 0.00 0.05 4.29
27. Chandigarh 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
28. D and N Haveli 5.23 3.00 0.20 0.02 8.45
29. Daman and Diu 1.60 0.44 0.60 1.17 3.81
30. Delhi 0.00 8.00 0.00 40.00 48.00
31. Lakshadweep 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.60 2.60
32. Pondicherry 2.49 5.11 0.00 4.44 *. 12.04
Total UT's 9.32 21.79 0.80 48.28 80.19
Total states and UT's 22319.53 5684.26 1680.13 1341.37 31025.29
Central sector 95.00 293.00 830.00 282.00 1500.00
Grand total 22414.53 5977.26 2510.13 1623.37 32525.29
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