8th Five Year Plan (Vol-2)
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Agricultural and Allied Activities || Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation || Irrigation, Command Area Development and Flood Control || Environment and Forests || Industry and Minerals || Village and Small Industries and Food Processing Industries || Labour and Labour Welfare || Energy || Transport || Communication, Information and Broadcasting || Education, Culture and Sports || Health and Family Welfare || Urban Development || Housing, Water Supply and Sanitation || Social Welfare || Welfare and Development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes || Special Area Development Programmes || Science and Technology || Plan Implementation and Evaluation


8.77.8 The strategy and broad programme contents in the energy intensive sectors, as part of the National Energy Efficiency Programme would be as follows:


8.77.9 The Industrial Sector consumes about 50% of the total commercial energy in the country and has very high specific energy consumption levels in India as compared to other developing and developed countries. An estimated conservation potential of 25-30% exists in this sector. Significant energy savings can be achieved through better housekeeping, improved capacity utilisation, development of co-generation facilities, industrial waste heat management and arrangements for improving the quality of electricity supply. The first step would be to build a data base in order to develop realistic energy consumption norms for different industries. Suitable policies for each industrial subsector for promoting energy conservation in the form of fiscal incentives, legislative changes and financial arrangements would be developed and the necessary infrastructural support will be organised.


8.77.10 Agricultural sector accounts for about 10% to 15% of the total energy consumption in the country. An estimated energy saving potential of 30% exists in this sector. At the end of the Seventh Plan, the number of agricultural pumpsets in the country has registered a phenomenal rise to 8.35 million. The operational efficiency of these pumpsets has been found to be only 20-30% and can be enhanced by rectification offootvalves, suction and delivery pipes and by matching of pumpset capacity with the local water table. These efforts would lead to about 20% saving of the energy consumed. Wasteful use of energy in this sector has also become chronic due to concessional and flat rate tariff on electrical power for agricultural purpose. As part of the National Energy Efficiency Programme, rectification of pumpsets and improvement in farm machinery would be taken up as a major scheme during the Eighth Plan, along with fiscal incentives and suitable funding arrangements for energy efficient equipment.

Transport Sector

8.77.11 Transport sector constitutes about 25% of the total energy consumption in the country. An estimated energy conservation potential of about 20% exists in this sector. High Speed Diesel oil(HSD) is the main petroleum product consumed in road and rail transport. The consumption of HSD per tonne of freight carried or per passenger kilometre is higher in case of road transport as compared to rail transport. Therefore, the volume of rail traffic would need to be increased through various measures of capacity augmentation like improving speed of goods trains, using improved locomotives, strengthening the tracks, promotion ofcontain-erisation etc., so that the imbalance created by the gradual shift of traffic from railways to road may be offset. The road transport sector includes State Transport Undertakings (STUs), and private sector operators. The performance of the road vehicles can be improved by using better aerodynamically designed vehicle bodies, fuel efficient engines, inculcation of better driving habits, better vehicle maintenance procedures, synchronisation of traffic signals in cities, abolition of octroi posts etc. Research and Development projects aimed at finding the possibility of using ethanol in proportions ranging from 10-20% with HSD/petrol, recycling of lubes, development of synthetic high performance lubes, the feasibility of interfuel substitution of HSD and Naphtha with Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), cost effective and long life batteries for battery operated vehicles would also be undertaken. The National "Energy Efficiency Programme in the Eighth Plan would provide for infrastructural support for these R and D activities. The potential of transport through inland water ways and coastal shipping would also be tapped to the maximum extent possible for promoting energy efficiency in this sector during the Eighth Plan.

Domestic and Commercial Sectors

8.77.12 Non-commercial energy is the major source of energy consumed in this sector. The efficiency of firewood fuelled chullahas and stoves, kerosene stoves and LPG stoves would be enhanced. Development and enforcement of similar energy efficiency standards for other domestic appliances would also be taken up. Energy labelling and ISI certification of all energy using devices would be made mandatory. These mandatory requirements and other related measures would be appropriately incorporated in the National Energy Efficiency Programme;during the Eighth Plan.

Other Sectors

8.77.13 Besides the energy consuming sectors, energy conservation efforts will also be taken up in the various energy producing sectors as outlined below.

Oil and Gas

8.77.14 The product yield pattern in all refineries would be optimised through modernisation including utilisation of digital process control systems. Reduction of refineries boiler losses would be a thrust area. Inter-fuel substitution and promotion and use of natural gas in place of petroleum products wherever feasible would be provided.


8.77.15 In the case of the coal sector, the various activities relating to conservation such as introduction of mining technology with higher recovery, higher coal washing utilisation, mine fire control and sand stowing etc. would be taken up during the Eighth Plan.


8.77.16 Transmission and distribution losses, the heat rate of thermal power plants and secondary fuel consumption in the form of furnace oil are all very high in the power sector. Efforts will be made, as part of the National Energy Efficiency Programme, to reduce values of these parameters to the optimum level by the introduction of system improvement works, direct ignition of pulverised coal, higher unit size of power plants and other methods. '

Buildings and Construction Industry

8.77.17 The use of solar passive architecture, alternative energy efficient materials and energy saving labour practices will be promoted in this sector as part of National Energy Efficiency Programme during the Eighth Plan.

Science and Technology

8.77.18 An energy efficiency cell would be set up in CS1R/DS1R for coordination and promotion in the development of new technologies, new materials for energy efficiency and data base. Similar cells and groups will also be setup in other undertakings and in the States, under their respective S and T Departments and S and T Councils. A comprehensive R and D programme in academic and .scientific institutions would he taken up as part of this National Energy Efficiency Programme in the Eighth Plan.

8.77.19 The sector-wise break up of the target-ted energy saving of 5000 MW capacity in the power sector and 6 million tonnes in petroleum products in the National Energy Efficiency Programme during the Eighth Plan would be prepared, in keeping with the above guidelines.

8.77.20 An outlay of Rs.1000 crores has been provided for energy conservation during the Eighth Plan which includes activities on energy conservation being carried out in different energy departments.

Annexure 8.1

Physical Programme of Crude Oil Production During Eighth Plan
(Million Tonnes)

1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Total
ONLAND 10.48 11.49 12.48 13.19 14.13 61.77
OFFSHORE 15.07 17.02 28.47 29.15 29.25 118.96
TOTAL 25.54 28.50 40.95 42.35 43.38 180.73
OIL 2.92 3.12 3.40 3.45 3.70 16.59
TOTAL 28.46 31.62 44.35 45.80 47.08 197.32

1. NGL Production Is Included In Total Crude Oil Production
2. Exciddes Production Of 1.5-2.0 Million Tonnes From Work-over Wells And 0.75 Million Tonne In Private Sector In 1996-97.

Annexure 8.2

Physical Programme of Gas Production During Eighth Plan
(Million Cubic Meters)

1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 TOTAL
ONLAND 4376.39 5149.00 5664.78 6654.77 6801.69 28646.63
OFFSHORE 13317.95 13526.95 18188.20 21162.70 21140.80 87336.60
TOTAL 17694.34 18675.95 23852.98 27817.47 27942.49 115983.23
OIL 1591.40 1693.60 1887.05 2029.40 2237.45 9438.90
TOTAL 19285.74 20369.55 25740.03 29846.87 30179.94 125422.13

List Of Projects Yielding Benefits In Eighth Plan (1992-97)

Sl. No. Name Of The project (capacity In MW) Type Of The project Name Of The State Benefits During 1992-97
I. Central Sector
A. Approved / Ongoing Thermal Stations
1 NCTPP Dadri (4x210) U2-4 TH-COAL NTPC/UP 630.0
  2 GT Dadri (4x131.3+2x146) TH-GAS NTPC/UP 555.0
3 Barsingsar lignite(2xl20) TH-LIG NLC/RAJ 240.0
4 Kawas CC GT (4x106+2x110) TH-GAS NTPC/GUJ 538.0
5 Neyveli-II Extn(4x210)U3 and 4 TH-LIG NLC/TN 420.0
6 Neyveli Zero unit (1x210) TH-LIG NLC/TN 210.0
7 Bokaro 'B'(2x210) TH-COAL DVC/BIH 210.0
8 Mejia (3x210) TH-COAL DVC/WB 630.0
9 Kahalgoan (4x210) TH-COAL NTPC/BIH 630.0
10 Talcher I (2x500) TH-COAL NTPC/ORS 1000.0
11 Farrakka 11(2x500) TH-COAL NTPC/WB 1000.0
12 Kathalguri GT (6x30+3x30) TH-GAS NEEPCO/ASM 270.0
Total Of Thermal Stations 6333.0
II. Nuclear Stations
12 Kakrapar(2x220) UCLEAR NPC/GUJ 440.0
14 Kaiga (2X220) NUCLEAR NPC/KAR 440.0
Total Of Nuclear Stations 1100.0
III. Hydro Stations
15ChameraI(3xl80) HYDEL NHPC/HP 540.0
16 Dulhasti(3xl30) HYDEL NHPC/J and K 390.0
17Salal-II(3xll5) HYDEL NHPC/J and K 345.0
18TehriST.I(4X250) HYDEL THDC/UP 1000.0
19Uri(4X120) HYDEL NHPC/J and K 480.0
20 Rangit (3X20) HYDEL NHPC/S1K 60.0
21 Doyang(3x25) HYDEL NEC/NAG 75.0
22 Ranganadi (3xl35)Ul and 2 HYDEL NEC/ARUN 270.0
Total Of Hydro Stations 3160.0
  Total approved/ongoing
State sector
Northern Region
1 Dadupur (4x1.5) HYDEL HAR 6.0
2Thirot(3xl.5) HYDEL H.P 4.5
3 Baner(3x4 HYDEL H.P \ 12.0
4 Gaj(3x3.5) HYDEL H.P -10.5

Annexure 8.3(contd.)

List Of Projects Yielding Benefits In Eighth Plan (1992-97)

Sl. No. Name Of The project (capacity In MW) Type Of The project Name Of The State Benefits During 1992-97
5Kargil(3xl.25) HYDEL J and K 3.8
6 Upper Sindh (2x35) HYDEL J and K 70.0
7 Upper Sindh II U-3 (1x35) HYDEL J and K 35.0
8Pahalgham(2xl.5) HYDEL J and K 3.0
9 Thien Dam (4x150) HYDEL PUN 300.0
10 Sobla(2x3) HYDEL U.P 6.0
11 Maneri II (4x76) HYDEL U.P 304.0
12Srinagar(6x55)U 1-3 HYDEL U.P 165.0
13 Rajghat (3xl5)-50% share HYDEL U.P 22.5
Sub Total-Hydro 942.3
14 PamporeGT II (4x25) TH-GAS J and K 100.0
15 Ramgarh G.T.(lx3) TH-GAS RAJ 3.0
16 Kota U 5 (1x210) TH-COAL RAJ 210.0
17 Anpara "B" (2x500) TH-COAL U.P 1000.0
18TandaU-4(lxllO) TH-COAL U.P 110.0
19 Panipat U-6 (1x210) TH-COAL HAR 210.0
20RoparIII(2x210)U-2 TH-COAL PUN 210.0
21 DESU WH (3x34) TH-GAS DEL 102.0
Sub Total-Thermal 1945.0
Total northern region 2887.3
Western Region
1 Kadana U-3 and 4 (2x60) HYDEL GUJ 120.0
2 Manikdoh (1x6) HYDEL MAH 6.0
3Ujjani-(lxl2) HYDEL MAH 12.0
4 Warna (2x8) HYDEL MAH 16.0
5 Surya (1x6) HYDEL MAH 6.0
6 Bhandardara II (1x34) HYDEL MAH 34.0
7 Dudhganga(2xl2) HYDEL MAH 24.0
8 Dimbhe(lx5) HYDEL MAH 5.0
9BhiraPSS(lxl50) HYDEL MAH 150.0
10 Koyna St.IV (4x250) Ul-2 HYDEL MAH 500.0
HTawaLBC(4x3) HYDEL M.P 12.0
12 Hasdeo Bango (3x40) HYDEL M.P 120.0
13 Bansagar(Tons)(2x 15+3x20) HYDEL M.P 90.0
14 Rajghat (3xl5)-50% share HYDEL M.P 22.5
15 Sardar Sarovar (6x200+5x50) HYDEL JOINT SECTOR 1450.0
Sub Total-Hydro 2567»5
16 Kutch Lignite U3(lx70) TH-LIG GUJ 70.0.
17 Sikka U-2 (1x120) TH-COAL GUJ 120.0

Annexure 8.3(contd.)

List Of Projects Yielding Benefits In Eighth Plan (1992-97)

Sl. No. Name Of The project (capacity [n MW) Type Of The project Name Of The State Benefits During 1992-97
18 Utran Gas Based TPS(lx33+1x45) TH-GAS GUJ 78.0
19 Chanderpur U-7 (1x500) TH-COAL MAH 500.0
20 Uran WHP (3x120) TH-GAS MAH 360.0
21 Khaperkheda Ext. (2x210) TH-COAL MAH 420.0
22 Trombay CCGT (3x60) TH-GAS MAH 180.0
23 Sanjay Gandhi U 1 and 2 (2x210) TH-COAL M.P 420.0
24 Sanjay Gandhi U 3 and 4 (2x210) TH-COAL M.P 420.0
25 Pench (2x210) TH-COAL M.P 420.0
Sub Total-Thermal 2988.0
Total western Region 5555.5
Southern Region
1 Penna Ahohilam(2xl0) HYDEL A.P 20.0
2 Upper Sileru (2x60) HYDEL A.P 120.0
3 Guntur Canal (2x2+2x2.3) HYDEL A.P 8.6
4 Sri.sailam LBPH (6X150)U1-2 HYDEL A.P 300.0
5 Varahi (Mani Dam)(2x4.5) HYDEL KAR 9.0
6 Ghatprabha(2xl6) HYDEL KAR 16.0
7 Mallarpur (2x4.5) HYDEL KAR 9.0
8 Sharavati Tailrace (4x60) HYDEL KAR 240.0
9Kalinadi-II(3x40+3x50) HYDEL KAR 270.0
10 Brindawan (2x6) HYDEL KAR 12.0
11 Bhadra(lx6) HYDEL KAR 6.0
12Shivpuri(2x9) HYDEL KAR 18.0
13Kallada(2x7.5) HYDEL KER 15.0
14 Muvattypuzha (1x7) YDEL KER 7.0
15 Lower Penyar (3x60) HYDEL KER 180.0
i6Kakkad(2x25) HYDEL KER 50.0
)"" P-p i;:-:; i'3xi) HYDEL KER 3.0
ithuU-4(lx!6) HYDEL KER 16.0
19 Lower Bhawani RBC (2x4) HYDEL T.N 8.0
20S;iShnurDam(lx7.5) HYDEL T.N 7.5
Sub Total-Hydro 1315.1
20 Muddamir (2x210) TH-COAL A.P 420.0
21 Vijayawada-nif2x210) TH-COAL A.P 420.0
22RaichurU-4(lx210) TH-COAL KAR 210.0
23 Diesel Sets (78) TH-OIL KAR 78.0
24 D.G. Sets Bangalore (6x21.3) TH-OIL KAR 128.0
25 North Madras (3x210) 26 Basin Bridge G.T. (4x30) TH-COAL TH-GAS T.N T.N OO.O *L20.0

Annexure 8.3(contd.)

List Of Projects Yielding Benefits In Eighth Plan (1992-97)

Sl. No. Name Of The project
(capacity In MW)
Type Of The project Name Of The State Benefits During 1992-97
18 Utran Gas Based TPS( 1x33+1x45) TH-GAS GUJ 78.0
19 Chanderpur U-7 (1x500) TH-COAL MAH 500.0
20 Uran WHP (3x120) TH-GAS MAH 360.0
21 Khaperkheda Ext. (2x210) TH-COAL MAH 420.0
22 Trombay CCGT (3x60) TH-GAS MAH 180.0
23 Sanjay Gandhi U 1 and 2 (2x210) TH-COAL M.P 420.0
24 Sanjay Gandhi U 3 and 4 (2x210) TH-COAL M.P 420.0
25 Pench (2x210) TH-COAL M.P 420.0
Sub Total-Thermal 2988.0
Total western Region 5555.5
Southern Region
1 Penna Ahobilam(2xl0) HYDEL A.P 20.0
2 Upper Sileru (2x60) HYDEL A.P 120.0
3 Guntur Canal (2x2+2x2.3) HYDEL A.P 8.6
4 Srisailam LBPH (6X150)U1-2 HYDEL A.P 300.0
5 Varahi (Mani Dam)(2x4.5) HYDEL KAR 9.0
6 Ghatprabha (2x16) HYDEL KAR 16.0
7 Mallarpur (2x4.5) HYDEL KAR 9.0
8 Sharavati Tailrace (4x60) HYDEL KAR 240.0
9Kalinadi-II(3x40+3x50) HYDEL KAR 270.0
10 Brindawan (2x6) HYDEL KAR 12.0
11 Bhadra(lx6) HYDEL KAR 6.0
12Shivpuri (2x9) HYDEL KAR 18.0
13Kallada(2x7.5) HYDEL KER 15.0
14 Muvattypuzha (1x7) YDEL KER 7.0
15 Lower Penyar (3x60) HYDEL KER 180.0
16 Kakkad (2x25) HYDEL KER 50.0
17 Pappara (3x1) HYDEL KER 3.0
18 Pornngalkuthu U-4 (1x16) HYDEL KER 16.0
19 Lower Bhawani RBC (2x4) HYDEL T.N 8.0
20SathnurDam(lx7.5) HYDEL T.N 7.5
sub Total - Hydro 1315.1
20 Muddanur (2x210) TH-COAL A.P 420.0
21 Vijayawada-III (2x210) TH-COAL A.P 420.0
22RaichurU-4(lx210) TH-COAL KAR 210.0
23 Diesel Sets (78) TH-OIL KAR 78.0
24 D.G. Sets Sangalore (6x21.3) TH-OIL KAR 128.0
25 North Madras (3x210) TH-COAL T.N '630.0
26 Basom Brodge G/T/(4x30) TH-GAS T.N 420.0

Annexure 8.3(contd.)

List Of Projects Yielding Benefits In Eighth Plan (1992-97)

Sl. No. Name Of The project (capacity In MW) Type Of The project Name Of The State Benefits During 1992-97
27 Karaikal GT (3x5+1x7.5) TH-GAS PND 22.5
Sub Total-Thermal 2028.5
Total Southern Region
Eastern region
1 Eastern Gandak Canal (3x5) HYDEL BIH 15.0
2SoneWLC(4xl.65) HYDEL BIH 6.6
3 SoneELC(2xl.65) HYDEL BIH 3.3
4NorthKoel(2xl2) HYDEL BIH 24.0
5 Chanclil (2x4) HYDEL BIH 8.0
6 Rengali Extn. U-5 (3x50) HYDEL ORS 50.0
7 Upper Indirawati (4x150) HYDEL ORS 600.0
8 Upper Kolab U-4 (1x80) HYDEL ORS 80.0
9 Potteru (2x3) HYDEL ORS 6.0
10 Mayangchu (4x1 ) HYDEL SIK 4.0
11 Upper Ronginchu (4x2) HYDEL S1K 8.0
12 RammamSt II (4x12.5) HYDEL W.B 50.0
13 Teesta Canal (3x3x7.5) HYDEL W.B 67.5
Sub Total-Hydro 922.4
14 Tenughat U-1 and 2 (2x210) TH-COAL BIH 420.0
15 Ib.TPS (4x210) TH-COAL ORS 840.0
16 Kolaghat Unit-4 and 6(2x210) TH-COAL W.B 420.0
Sub Total-Thermal 1680.0
Total Eastern Region 2602.4
North Eastern Region
1 Dhansiri (15x1.33) HYDEL ASM 20.0
2 Karbi Langpi (2x50) HYDEL ASM 100.0
3 Dailamna (4) HYDEL ASM 6.0
4 Small Hydels (4.30) HYDEL ARP 4.3
5 Nuranang (3x2) HYDEL ARP 6.0
6 Umaim-Umtru (2x30) HYDEL MEG 60.0
7 Small Hydels (3.6) HYDEL MIZ 3.6
8 Likimro (3x8) HYDEL NAG 24.0
Sub Total-Hydro 223.9
9 Lakwa GT Phase 11(3X20) TH-GAS ASM
10 Amguri CCGT (12X30) TH-GAS ASM 360.0
Sub Total-Thermal 420.0
Total North Eastern Region 643.9
Total (states) ONGOING/APPROVED 15033.7
Total (states + central) - (ONGOING/APPROVED) 25625 .-7

Annexure 8.3(contd.)

List Of Projects Yielding Benefits In Eighth Plan (1992-97)

Sl. No. Name Of The project (capacity In MW) Type Of The project Benefits During 1992-97
Central Sector
B. PIB/CEA Cleared Projects  
I. Thermal Stations
1 Yamuna Nagar (4x210)U-l TH-COAL NTPC/HAR 210.0
2 Faridabad CCGT (800) TH-GAS NTPC/HAR 546.0
3GandharCCGT(615) TH-GAS NTPC/GUJ 615.0
4RmandExt. (2x500)U-l TH-COAL NTPC/UP 500.0
5UnchaharExt.(2X210)U-l TH-COAL NTPC/UP 210.0
6AgartalaG.T. (4x21) TH-GAS NEC/TRI 84.0
Total Of Thermal Stations 2165.0
II.Hydro Stations
7 Kopili Ext. HYDEL NEEPCO/ASM 100.0
Total Central-sector 2265.0
State Sector
Northern Region
l.WYCSt. 11(2x8) HYDEL HAR 16.0
Sub Total Hydro 16.0
2 Bawana CCGT(800) TH-GAS DEL 660.0
3 Bhatinda (2x210) TH-COAL PUN 420.0
Sub Total Thermal 1080.0
Total Of Northern Region 1096.0
Western Region
4 Bansagar Tons-lW2X10) HYDEL M.P. 20.0
Sub Total Hydro y 20.0
5 BSES (2X250) TH-COAL MAH 500.0
Sub Total Thermal 500.0
Total Of Western Region 520.0
Southern Region
6 Singur (2X7.5) HYDEL A.P. 15.0
Sub Total Hydro 15.0
Total Of Southern Region 15.0
Eastern Region
7 Budge-Budge (2x250) TH-COAL WB 500.0
8 Chandil (2X250) TH-COAL BIH 500.0
Sub Total Thermal 1000.0
Total Of Eastern Region 1000
North-eastern Region
9 Rokhia G.T.Ext. (2x8) TH-GAS TRI 16.0

Annexure 8.3(contd.)
List Of Projects Yielding Benefits In Eighth Plan (1992-97)

Sl. No. Name Of The project (capacity In MW) Type Of The project Name Of The State Benefits During 1992-97
Sub Total Thermal 16.0
Total Of North-eastern Region 16.0
Total State-sector 2647.0
Total Generation Projects (state-sector) 17679.7
Total Generation Projects (central-sector) 12858.0
Total Generation Projects (all-india) 30537.7

Summary Statement Of 8th Plan Capacity Additions-by Types

ONGOING/APPROVED 3160.0 5971.2 9131.2
NEW STARTS-CEA CLEARED 100.0 51.0 151.0
NEW STARTS-YET TO BE 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOTAL (A) 3260.0 6022.2 9282.2
ONGOING/APPROVED 1363.0 1591.5 2954.5
NEW STARTS-CEA CLEARED 1245.0 676.0 1921.0
NEW STARTS-YET TO BE 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOTAL (B) 2608.0 2267.5 4875.5
ONGOING/APPROVED 4970.0 7470.0 12440.0
NEW STARTS-CEA CLEARED 920.0 1920.0 2840.0
NEW STARTS-YET TO BE 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOTAL (C) 5890.0 9390.0 15280.0
ONGOING/APPROVED 1100.0 0.0 1100.0
ONGOING/APPROVED 10593.0 15032.7 25625.7
NEW STARTS-CEA CLEARED 2265.0 2647.0 4912.0


TOTAL (E) 12858.0 17679.7 30537?7


Eighth Plan Outlay - Power Sector

Sl. No. STATES/UTs Outlays
I. States
1. Andhra Pradesh 3040.62
2. Arunachal Prdsh. 148.28
3. Assam 1192.46
4. Bihar 2120.83
5. Goa 52.50
6. Gujarat 2635.00
7. Haryana 1701.99
8. Himachal Pradesh 500.00
9. Jammu and Kashmir 1175.18
10. Kamataka 3024.86
11. Kerala 1226.20
12. Madhya Pradesh 3563.36
13. Maharashtra 4572.64
14. Manipur 185.35
15. Meghalaya 166.48
16. Mizoram 101.05
17. Nagaland 59.00
18. Orissa 2638.30
19. Punjab 2417.50
20. Rajasthan 3200.00
21. Sikkim 133.00
22. Tamil Nadu 3000.00
23. Tripura 116.50
24. Uttar Pradesh 6974.76
25. West Bengal 3016.00
Sub-Total (STATES) 46961.86


Eighth Plan Outlay - Power Sector

Sl. No. States / UTs Outlays
II. Union Territories
1. A and N Islands 57.97
2. Chandigarh 55.00
3. D and Nagar Havel i 5.11
4. Daman and Dili 7.37
5. Delhi 1212.00
6. Lakshadweep 6.21
7. Pondicherry 102.22
Sub-Total (U.Ts) 1445.88
Total States and UTs 48407.7
III. Centre
1. Department of Power including D.V.C 25920.58
2. Nuclear Power Corporation 4261.00
3. Neyveli Lignite Corporation 1000.00
Sub-Total (Central) 31181.58
Total : All India 79589.32

inclusive of the outlays for NEC.


Estimate Of Losses Of SEBs On Account Of Supply Of Electricity to
The Agricultural/irrigation Sector

S.No. / Board Sales to Agri./' Sector Overall Average Cost Aver. rate for Agri./Irrign.


Estimate Loss (Rs.Crore)
  (MKWH) (Paise/KWH) (Paise/KWH)    
1. Anclhra Pradesh 5200 72.1 4.5 67.6 352
2. Bihar 1544 140.3 9.4 130.9 202
3. Gujarat 5069 105.0 21.5 83.5 423
4. Haryana 2749 105.2 30.0 75.2 207
5. Karnataka 3241 80.9 9.7 71.2 231
6. Maharashtra 5874 99.6 9.0 90.6 532
7. Punjab 5616 108.1 7.5 100.6 565
8. Rajasthan 2784 113.7 29.5 84.2 234
9. Tamil Nadu 3850 112.0 8.9 103.1 397
10. Uttar Pradesh 7267 111.9 21.3 90.6 658
TOTAL 3801



Sl.No. States  
l.Andhra Pradesh 2,55,108
2-Arunachal Pradesh 3. Assam 2,365
4.Bihar 2,10,665
6.Gujarat 7,79,196
7-Haryana ' 1,25,731
S.Himachal Pradesh 906
9.Jaminu and Kashmir 647
lO.Karnataka 71,375
ll.Kerala 37,600
12. Madhya Pradesh 1,59,545
13.Maharashtra 3,13,956
15.Meghalaya 470
IS.Orissa 1,99,327
19. Punjab 3,96,270
20.Rajasthan 1,42,725
2 I.Tamil Nadu 2,13,376
22.Tripura 820
23.Uttar Pradesh 15,29,573
24.West Bengal 1,90,395
Total (States) 45,40,050
Total (UTs) 13,600
Total (All India) 45,53,650

Source: Minor Irrigation Deptt. of Govt. of India, New Delhi.

Annexure 8.7

Eighth Five Year Plan [1992-97] - Outlays Deptt. of Non-conventional Energy Sources

Sl.No. Programme Outlays
1. NPBD [including R and D and CBP/IBP] 320.00
2. Improved Chulha 80.00
3. Solar Energy  
  (i) Solar Thermal 80.00
  (ii)SolarP.V. 90.00
  (iii) Solar Energy Centre 15.00
4. Micro/Hydel 100.00
5. Wind Energy 90.00
6. Urban/Agricultural Wastes including Cogeneration 20.00
7. Biomass 15.00
8. Human and Animal Energy Programme 1.00
9. Alternate Fuels 10.00
10. M.H.D.  
11. Geothermal Energy  
12. Chemical Energy 10.00
13. Ocean Energy  
14. Hydrogen Energy  
15. 1REDA 10.00
16. Regional Offices etc.  
17. Information and Publicity  
18. Seminars/Conferences 10.00
19. International Cooperation  
20. Data Bank/TIFAC  
21. Urjagram (Surveys] 1.00
22. Special Area Programmes and 5.00
  Demonstration Activities  
  TOTAL 857.00
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