Annual Report 1999-2000
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Public Sector Outlay by Major Heads of Development in the Ninth Plan(1997-2002)


Annexure 2.1

Head of Development
1 Agriculture and Allied Services(*) 17167 80715 97882
2 Rural Development 42278 32408 74686
3 Energy 153807 68568 222375
4 Industry and Minerals 51664 13484 65148
5 Transport 81791 37582 119373
6 Social Services 72284 110989 183273
7 Others(#) 70370 22444 92814
8 Area Programmes 0 3649 3649
Total 489361 369839 859200

(*) Includes Agriculture and Irrigation Sector.
(#) Includes Communications, Science Technology and Environment, General Economic Services and General Services.

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