Annual Report 1999-2000
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118. The L.E.M. Division is mainly responsible for taking up a macro view of the employment and unemployment situation in the country and to study its various co-relates for formulation of policies in this regard. The Division also handles matters relating to Labour Welfare and Social Security for workers and other various issues/aspects related to vocational training.


119. Estimates of Labour Force, Work Force, Employment and Unemployment in the country is an integral part of the planning exercise. This exercise is undertaken for five year plan formulation. Estimates are made on the basis of NSSO Sample Surveys and on the basis of these estimates, employment projections are also made. Technical exercise for formulation of employment estimates are done in the Division during the year. L.E.M. Division is responsible for such technical assessment of employment and unemployment in the country for the Five Year Plans and Annual Plans. The Division also handled matters relating to employment strategy, employment policy and other related issues.

120. Research capabilities of the Institute of Applied Manpower Resource (I.A.M.R.) for carrying out research in employment and unemployment were strengthened. Technical matters were discussed. Interaction between L.E.M. Division and I.A.M.R. continued with several meetings on technical matters.

121. The Division is currently engaged in analysis of Employment and Unemployment data at both State level and all-India Level and projections of Labour Force, Work Force and Unemployment in the country in the coming ten years are also being made.

122. An assessment of the changes in the labour market and employment scenario was made to monitor achievements made during the initial years of the Ninth Plan, as part of the Mid-Term Appraisal exercise.

123. The Division provided information on employment to Ministry of Finance for the Economic Survey 1999-2000. The Division also supplied input on "Population Projection and the Labour Force" for the special chapter on "Population – Emerging Domestic and Global Trends and Policy" for the pre-budget economic survey 1999-2000.

124. The Division examined a study by Prof. G.S. Bhalla and Dr. Gurmail Singh entitled "A district level study – recent developments in Indian Agriculture." The study gives trends in productivity and employment at district level. The results would be useful for district level employment planning.

125. An exercise to estimate the dependency ratio in the total population was done in the Division. Also, an attempt was made to understand the reasons for low participation of women in labour force and work-force, as reported in NSSO and census data.

Task Force on Employment Opportunities

126. A Task Force on Employment Opportunities has been set up under Shri M.S. Ahluwalia, Member, Planning Commission. The Division, in addition to providing secretarial support to the Task Force, worked on Special Employment Programme, Labour Legislation, Labour Force Projection etc., for use as input in the deliberations of the Task Force.


127. The schemes of the Ministry of Labour were evaluated and investment decisions were taken. The schemes examined in the Division are Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour and Janata Personal Accidental Insurance Scheme for members of labour contract/construction of forest operators.

Housing for Hammals

128. A consultation paper on ‘Economic Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons’ was prepared for development of national policy on economic rehabilitation of handicapped persons through the schemes of Ministry of Labour, i.e., Continuation and Setting up of new Vocational Rehabilitation Centres (VRCs) for Handicapped including Skill Workshops (STWs) and Rural Rehabilitation Extension Centres (RRECs).

129. Issues relating to labour policies and programmes are also handled in the Division. In this context, the Division examined issues like social security in both organised and unorganised sectors, present Labour Laws, Vocational Training Institutions and Role of Employment Exchanges, etc.

130. An assessment of the progress was made in the field of labour and labour welfare sector during the initial years of the Ninth Five Year Plan as a part of the Mid-Term Appraisal of the Ninth Plan exercise.

131. The proposals of new Centrally Sponsored Schemes, i.e., (i) Opening of new ITIs in the North-Eastern States, and (ii) Modernisation and Strengthening of ITIsin the State of Jammu and Kashmir, received from Ministry of Labour, were examined and approval of the Planning Commission, in principle, has been accorded.

132. All the on-going schemes of the Ninth Five Year Plan of the Ministry of Labour were critically examined. In this regard, the Ministry of Labour was requested to supply the location specific details of the expenditure incurred till date for the projectisation of schemes under continuing schemes and new schemes to be included in the Ninth Plan with zero date.

133. Proposal of the Ministry of Labour, DGE and T, regarding modernisation of 11 selected Employment Exchanges on pilot basis was examined in the Division and comments were sent to the Ministry of Labour for framing the proposal for consideration by the Standing Finance Committee. The objective was to modernise employment exchanges through computerisation for experimenting in Integration of Vocational Guidance/Career Counselling and Employment Market Information activities.

134. The Schemes of the Ministry of Labour on Training were evaluated and investment decisions taken in respect of the following schemes :

  • Restructuring and Strengthening of National Vocational Training System (NVTS);
  • Modernisation and Expansion of Instructor Training Programme.

135. A Sub-Committee was constituted to study the existing Vocational Training to identify the gaps, mismatch and to bring improvement linking to employment opportunities.

136. For formulation of Annual Plan 2000-01, suggestions/inputs have been provided in the format for collection of information pertaining to Labour and Labour Welfare Sectors.


137. The Division functions as the nodal Division in Planning Commission for the administrative control and guidance of the Institute of Applied Manpower Research (I.A.M.R.). The Division also represents Planning Commission in the :

  • General Council
  • Executive Council
  • Standing Committee on Research Programmes of the Institute. It is also represented in the :
    • Building and Campus Development Committee
    • Expert Committee under the chairmanship of Prof. Ishwar Dayal on Post-Graduate Diploma Course on Human Resource Planning and Development for National Participants in IAMR.


138. MLP Division is concerned with Special Area Programmes, namely, Hill Ares Development Programme(HADP) including Western Ghats Development Programme (WGDP)and Border Area Development Programme(BADP).


139. The HADP has been in operation from the Fifth Five Year Plan. Under this programme, special Central Assistance is given to Designated Hill Areas over and above normal plan assistance in order to supplement the efforts of the State Governments for development of these ecologically fragile areas.

140. The main objectives of the programme are eco-preservation and eco-restoration with emphasis on preservation of bio-diversity and rejuvenation of the hill ecology.

141. The HADP and WGDP operate in Designated Hill Areas. Areas under HADP were identified in 1965 by a Committee of the National Development Council (NDC) while WGDP areas were recommended in 1972 by the High Level Committee set up for the purpose.

142. The hill areas covered under HADP are :

  • Two hill districts of Assam – North Cachar and Karbi Anglong.
  • Twelve districts of Uttar Pradesh – Dehradun, Pauri Garhwal, Tehri Garhwal, Chamoli, Uttar Kashi, Nainital, Almora, Pithoragarh, Bageshwar, Champawat, Rudraprayag and Udham Singh Nagar.
  • Major part of Darjeeling District of West Bengal
  • Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu.
  • 159 talukas of Western Ghats area comprising part of Maharashtra (62 talukas), Karnataka (40 talukas), Tamil Nadu (25 talukas), Kerala (29 talukas) and Goa (3 talukas).

Pattern of Funding

143. Financial Assistance given under the HADP is in the form of Special Central Assistance which is given as 90% grant and 10% loan. The funds available under HADP have been divided amongst the Designated Hill Areas covered under the programme and the talukas covered by the WGDP in the proportion of 84:16.

Sub-Plan Approach

144. For the hill areas covered by the HADP, the Sub-Plan approach has been adopted i.e. for each of these hill areas the concerned State Government prepares the total plan comprising the flow of funds from the State Plan and Special Central Assistance made available under HADP. In the case of WGDP, the schematic approach is being followed since the taluka(which is the territorial unit of planning in the WGDP) is the unit of demarcation in respect of which the flow of funds from State Plan are difficult to quantify. However , efforts are being made to follow the State Plan approach in WGDP also.

145. Allocation / Releases made under HADP are as follows:

(Rs. crore)

State / Area









(A) Hill Areas in the the State of







Tamil Nadu






Uttar Pradesh






West Bengal






Survey and Studies






Sub-Total (A)






(B) Western Ghats Region:






Grant Total (A + B)







146. Western Ghats Development Programme (WGDP) was launched in 1974-75 as part of the programme for development of Hill Areas of the country. The Central theme of the programme is eco-development, eco-restoration and eco-preservation of the areas covered by the Programme by securing active participation of the people living in the region.

147. The Programme covers 159 talukas of Western Ghats areas comprising 62 talukas of Maharashtra, 25 talukas of Tamil Nadu, 29 talukas of Kerala, 40 talukas of Karnataka and 3 talukas of Goa. In addition, 4 talukas of Nilgiris district are separately covered under HADP (Nilgiris) of Tamil Nadu. The criteria of elevation (600 metres above MSL), contiguity and taluka as the lowest administrative unit were adopted for delineation of areas for coverage by the Programme. Total area of 1.60 lakh sq.kms. and a population of 4.42 crores (1991 census) is covered under the Programme.

148. To achieve the specific objectives of the Programme, the approach for the WGDP has been to take up development activities in an integrated manner on the compact watershed basis. The schemes being implemented under the Programme are meant for improving life style of inhabitants of the Western Ghats region with sustainable use of natural resources of the area.

149. The important activities relating to WGDP and HADP (Nilgiris) during 1999-2000 are as under :

  1. The progress of implementation of WGDP in constituent States was reviewed in the meeting of Secretaries Committee on WGDP held on 6th August, 1999 at Mysore.
  2. Annual Plans of 1999-2000 of the constituent States under WGDP and HADP (Nilgiris) of Tamil Nadu have been finalized. Total Special Central Assistance of Rs. 64.00 crore (including Rs. 0.30 crore for Survey and Studies an Western Ghats Secretariat) has been allocated for all the constituent States of WGDP. Special Central Assistance of Rs. 22.01 crores has been allocated for HADP (Nilgiris) of Tamil Nadu.
  3. The progress of implementation of WGDP and HADP (Nilgiris) is being monitored on financial and physical terms by the Western Ghats Secretariat.
  4. At the instance of the Planning Commission, all the constituent States of WGDP have appointed nodal officers for coordinating the various line departments executing the Programme.
  5. To update implementation skills of the officers connected with the Programme, a ten day training course on Integrated Watershed Management for the Middle Management Level Officers and a three-day Sensitisation Programme for the Senior Management Officers are being undertaken.
  6. At the instance of the Planning Commission, all the constituent States implementing WGDP were requested to take up Joint Evaluation Study with the Programme Evaluation Organisation of the Planning Commission. These Evaluation Studies are now available in respect of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra. Further, in order to have a long-term planning of WGDP, the State Governments were requested to get a Perspective Plan of the Programme prepared. These Perspective Plans are now available in respect of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Maharashtra. It is now proposed to prepare a common document based on the Evaluation Studies and the Perspective Plans for all the States which would become a base for the preparation for a long term strategy for improvement of Western Ghats.


150. Border Area Development Programme (BADP) was started during the Seventh Plan with the twin objectives of balanced development of sensitive border areas in the Western region through adequate provision of infrastructural facilities and promotion of sense of security amongst the local population. The programme was revamped in the Eighth Plan (1993-94) and extended to States which have an international border with Bangladesh. The nature of the Programme was changed from a schematic programme with emphasis on education to a State level Programme with emphasis on balanced development of Border areas. During the Ninth Plan, the Programme has been extended to all the states which have an international land border.


151. Border Area Development Programme at present covers Sixteen States namely Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.


152. Funds under BADP are provided as Special Central Assistance with 100% grant for the execution of approved schemes. Funds are divided amongst the states by giving equal weightage to the following three parameters: Population of border blocks (as per 1981 census), area of border blocks and length of the international borders.

Eligible schemes

153. Schemes are designed to take care of the special problems faced by people living in the border areas. The State Government may undertake a study of remote villages in the border blocks in order to assess the needs of the people and the critical gaps in physical and social infrastructure. Schemes which address problems such as inadequacies relating to provision of essential needs, strengthening of the social infrastructure, filling up of critical gaps in the road network etc. are taken up under the programme. Emphasis may be laid on schemes for employment promotion, production oriented activities and schemes which provide for critical inputs in the social sector .

Executing Agencies

154. To provide flexibility, schemes under the programme may be executed by any of the following agencies: (i) State Government, (ii) Central Government, (iii) Para Military Organizations located in the State and (iv) Voluntary Agencies as considered appropriate.


155. There are two committees for this Programme. The Empowered Committee with Secretary, Planning Commission as its Chairman and Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Secretary, Department of Expenditure and Chief Secretaries of the BADP States as its members decide the policy matters relating to the programme. The last meeting of this Committee was held on 11.8.1999.

156. The Screening Committee at the State level which is headed by the Chief Secretary of the State and representatives of Planning Commission, Ministry of Home Affairs and Para Military Organizations as its Members decides the schemes o be taken up under the programme.

Release of funds, monitoring and reviewing

157. The State Governments submit quarterly progress reports. Periodical monitoring of the schemes is done by the concerned State Plan Advisers / Adviser (MLP).


158. Monitoring Cell in the Planning Commission was created during the current year with a view to undertake close monitoring of the quality of implementation of the schemes in selected social sectors by initiating a few concentrated studies in 5-10 villages in selected districts of the country through reputed research institutions/NGOs so that the performance and impact could be assessed over a period of time. So far four studies have been awarded to institutes/organisations and one study is being given to an NGO.

159. The Data Bank of Planning Commission, which was operated by Project Appraisal and Management Division, has now come under Monitoring Division. The Minimum Data Record (MDR) comprising information on outlay and expenditure on Central and Centrally Sponsored Schemes is being updated. The information is collected by subject divisions from the concerned Ministries/Departments. In addition, timely and full utilisation of Plan funds relating to the schemes of the Planning Commission is also being monitored by this Division.


160. The work of Perspective Planning Division (PPD) relates to the overall integration of the plan into macro-economic framework delineating possibilities and constraints; and projecting a long term vision of development in terms of potentials, constraints and critical issues.

161. The Division assists the Commission in planning and policy issues which span across multiple sectors of the economy such as agriculture, industry, infrastructure, financial resources, foreign trade, balance of payments, social services, demography, poverty and employment. To bring about inter-sectoral consistency in the plans, a system of plan models, sub-models and material balances is used. The exercises done in the Division help in evolving the overall macro framework, projecting the needs of consumption, investment and production structure as well as Social Development.

162. The Division, as a part of its regular activities:

  • prepares an overall framework for medium and long term plans by analysing implications of long term plan objectives for the appropriate strategy of development,
  • examines the current policies and programmes in the inter-temporal, inter-regional and inter-sectoral contexts,
  • studies consistency between plan objectives and plan allocation, conformity of regional distribution of public sector outlays with the regional needs of development, effect of price rise on consumption level of people in different income groups, trends in saving, investment and growth in economy, trends in foreign trade and the implications of various developments in the economy for public investment,
  • renders advice on the influence of macro-economic development on principal commodities such as food, crude oil and steel,
  • assists the Planning Commission in forming its views on technical issues pertaining to planning process, shift of a public sector programme from Non-Plan to Plan side of Government expenditure and vice-versa, and
  • contributes to the response by Planning Commission on issues pertaining to "Planning Process" posed by Parliament, forum of economists and economic editors, representatives of economic planning agencies in the States, delegations from National Planning Commissions from other countries and trans-national institutions, such as UN, SAARC and ESCAP; the interaction with trans-national institutions being through the respective nodal Ministries of Government.

163. On behalf of the Planning Commission the Division estimates the number of poor in the country, at National and State/Union Territory levels and carries out studies on poverty situation.

164. The Division functions as administrative Nodal Division for the "Development Planning Centre" established as an arm of Planning Commission in the Institute of Economic Growth

165. The Division represents Planning Commission in

  • Governing Council of NSSO,
  • Advisory Committee on National Accounts of CSO,
  • National Advisory Board on Statistics
  • Governing Council of the "Development planning Centre" in the Institute of Economic Growth,
  • "Standing Research Advisory Committee" set up by Department of Statistics,
  • "Expert Committee for the study of rationalisation of work of some Divisions of Department of Statistics, set up by Institute of Applied Manpower Research.

166. Current economic issues were analysed in the Division, in the light of periodic estimates of macro-economic aggregates released by the Central Statistical Organisation.

167. The performance of the external sector of the economy is periodically reviewed in the division and the information was made available to various divisions of the Planning Commission. Import/export vectors for 1997-98 and 1998-99 by input/output sectors were prepared.

168. Demand of Principal Commodities viz., Coal, Electricity, Finished Steel and Cement were reassessed for the Mid-term Review of the Ninth Five Year Plan 1997-2002. The following Working Papers were prepared in this Division:

  • External Economic Situation in India-Recent trends and Policy Implications;
  • Alternative Scenario for Tariff Negotiations;
  • A study on Level of Living at NSS regional level.

169. The work in progress in the Division includes:

  1. The recent revision of the National Accounts to 1993-94 base indicates significant changes in the structure of the economy, which necessitates a reappraisal of a number of key parameters of the Indian economy. Efforts are being made to identify these changes and their implications on both planning and macro-economic policies.
  2. In order to study the impact of alternative policy measures on macro-economic parameters, such as, overall rate of growth of the economy, rate of inflation, balance of payments, fiscal deficit, etc, and also for a clear understanding of the inter-sectoral linkages, a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model for the Indian economy under real and financial sector framework is being prepared in collaboration with the Erasmus University, Rotterdam under the Indo-Dutch co-operation programme.
  3. Implications of East and South-East Asian crisis for trade and financial policies in India.
  4. A comprehensive study on the nature of financial sector reforms and the desirable role of financial intermediation in growth and development.
  5. The impact of growth and inequality in the post-reform years on the level of living, particularly of the poorer section of the society.
  6. Construction of a price index for the poor.
  7. The Officers of the Division participated in the following Seminars/ Workshops/Training Programmes


  1. International Seminar – Infrastructure and Investment India, 99 held in April, 1999 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
  2. Macro-econometric modelling for planning in India organised by Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi in May, 1999 and January, 2000.


Workshop on different agreements under World Trade Organisation (WTO) particularly that on Trade Related Investment Measures(TRIMs), the proposed Multilateral Agreement on investment (MAI), Agriculture, Trade Related Safeguards conducted by CII and ICRIER at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.


  1. Training programme on macro-economic management and policy organised by the Reserve Bank of India and International Monetary Fund at Pune, Maharashtra.
  2. In-service training programme on macro-economic management for the Indian economy organised by the Ministry of Finance for Indian Economic Service officers at the Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow.
  3. Refresher Course on Index Number for middle/Senior level officers of Indian Statistical service conducted by the Central statistical Organisation.
  4. Training Programme on World Trade Organisation at the National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai held in November, 1999.

170. The Officers of the Division participated in imparting training to the participants of

  1. Indian Statistical Service Probationers on Macro-modelling in July 1999 and January, 2000.
  2. A course on Official Statistics and Related Methodology organised by International Statistical Education Centre (ISEC), Calcutta, during October, 1999.
  3. International Training Programme on the Audit of Rural Development Programme Organised by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India;
  4. M.Stat Course of Indian Statistical Institute attending the training programme in National and International Statistical Systems held in May, 1999.
  5. Training programme on "Official Statistics and Related Methodology" organised for the supervisory level statistical personnel of Central Ministries/State/UT Governments and public sector bodies held during August, 1999.


171. The Division co-ordinates activities of all the Divisions for the Planning Commission. In particular, it has the responsibility for coordinating the formulation and preparation of the Five Year Plans, the Annual Plans, including specific responsibility for the sectoral allocation of the Centre Sector Plan, Annual Report of the Planning Commission and coordination of the Parliamentary work. In addition, the Internal Meetings of the Planning Commission, Meetings of the Full Planning Commission and the meetings of the National Development Council are organised and co-ordinated by the Plan Coordination Division.

172. The Government of India Resolution setting up the Planning Commission envisages that the Planning Commission will "appraise, from time to time, the progress achieved in the execution of each stage of the Plan and recommend the adjustments of policy and measures that appraisal may show to be necessary". Accordingly, the Planning Commission had been undertaking appraisals of the past Five Year Plans.

173. The Ninth Five Year Plan, launched on 1st April, 1997, has entered the third year of implementation, a time period reasonable enough to facilitate evaluation of the progress of achievements of the objectives of the Five Year Plan, identification of constraints being faced as well as to embark on mid-course corrections, if shortfalls are noticed in any of the sectors. A comprehensive review of these Plans would throw light on the progress of the Plan vis-à-vis the objectives envisaged in the Document and would help in identifying weak areas for focussed action.

174. The Mid-Term Appraisal (MTA) exercise for the Ninth Five Year Plan began during the year with the preparation of Appraisal Notes/Position Papers on individual sectors by the respective Principal Adviser/Adviser/Head of Division. The primary objective of this appraisal will be to assess the possibility of reaching the targets of the Ninth Plan, identify the areas of significant shortfall and the reasons therefore, so as to arrive at a basis for evolving appropriate Policy Package/Plan Strategies for mid-term corrections in the implementation of the Plan. The Central Ministries/Departments were requested to prepare Appraisal Notes for Centre Plan activities and the State Governments for State Plan activities as per set of proformae sent to them alongwith guidelines by Planning Commission.

175. The sectoral MTA reports were discussed by the Members of the Planning Commission with the concerned Ministries/Departments to facilitate finalisation of the MTA chapters. Suggestions received from economists, industrialists, trade union leaders, social workers, including NGOs by the concerned Division were used as inputs for preparing draft Chapters of the MTA. The individual Chapters proposed by the Members, were being discussed by the Editorial Committee headed by Member (MSA), Planning Commission and should be ready shortly.

176. The Plan Coordination Division prepared a scheme of classification of Chapters for the MTA Document for circulation in the Planning Commission along with time-schedule for completion of various chapters of MTA Document.

177. The exercise for the Annual Plan 2000-01, including the preparation of guidelines to be kept in view for the Central Ministries/Departments in formulating their Annual Plans proposals was undertaken, as scheduled, for the Centre Sector. The in-depth discussions were held with the representatives of the Central Ministries/Departments to consider their Annual Plan proposals for 2000-01. Thereafter, the Secretary, Planning Commission finalised outlays for the Centre Sector Annual Plan 2000-01 for Central Ministries/Departments. With the approval of the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, the final allocations to each Ministry/Department were communicated to the respective Ministries/Departments and the Ministry of Finance.

178. The Division compiled and consolidated the information and material with respect to different sectors of the economy for the preparation of Annual Plan Documents 1998-99 and 1999-2000. It may be observed that in doing so, there has been sufficient reduction in the time-lag in the release of these two Documents than before.

179. Annual Report of Planning Commission is obligatory to be laid down on the table of Lok Sabha every year. Material for compilation of Annual Report 1999-2000 was compiled, edited and formed into book version. It will be placed in both Houses of Parliament after getting it printed bilingually in the Budget Session of Parliament (2000).

180. Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) are formulated by the Central Ministries/ Departments, in consultation with the State Governments/Union Territories and are implemented by the State Governments/Union Territories. Plan Coordination Division processes the proposals/schemes for obtaining approval of Full Planning Commission for the new CSS. During the year, Full Planning Commission approval was obtained for three new CSS and process was going on for yet another couple of Schemes.

181. The other regular activities of the Plan Coordination Division include sending a monthly D.O. letter on major activities in the Planning Commission to the Prime Minister's Office and the Cabinet Secretariat. Action Taken Report on the Points arising out of the Hon'ble President of India's address to the Joint Session of Parliament on 25th October, 1999 was sent to PMO in time. The material relating to Planning Commission was sent to PMO for President's Address to the Budget Session of Parliament (2000). A Note on issues likely to come up before Parliament was also sent before commencement of the Sessions of the Parliament during the year. Similarly, material for incorporation in the Finance Minister's Budget Speech and material for publication in the Pre-Budget Economic Survey, 1999-2000 was sent to the Finance Ministry.

182. Prepared a Paper on Policies, Issues and Tasks before the new Government for sending it to PMO. The information for Standing Committee on Finance on Demand-for-Grants was furnished for considering Planning Commission's Annual Plan proposals. Information called for by the Joint Committee on Offices of Profit of Lok Sabha was also sent to Lok Sabha Secretariat.

183.. A Steering Committee was set up in the Planning Commission under the chairmanship of Prof. S.R. Hashim, Member, Planning Commission in connection with celebrating 50 years of setting up of Planning Commission. The Committee in its meetings considered draft programmes to observe 50th year of the Planning Commission. Among other things it was decided that a booklet giving a statistical profile of 50 years of Indian planning and a handy graphic "poster-chart" on selected indicators of development would be prepared for releasing in connection with commemorative functions. The material for the booklet was being compiled by the Plan Coordination Division.

184. A new feature to review the day-to-day functioning of the Planning Commission could be attributed to the Monday Meetings chaired by the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission with the Members and senior Officers of Planning Commission. Detailed discussions on various sectoral issues were held in these Meetings and time bound actions were suggested to the Divisions. This was intimated to the Divisions by Minutes of the Meetings and a regular follow up action was taken and the progress was discussed in the subsequent Meetings.

185. The division brought out a discussion paper on the role of planning commission.

186. From a highly centralised planning system, the Indian economy is gradually moving towards indicative planning where Planning Commission will concern itself with the building of a long term strategic vision of the future and decide on priorities of nation. It will work out sectoral targets and provide promotional stimulus to the economy to grow in the desired direction.

187. Planning Commission will play an integrative role in the development of a holistic approach to the policy formulation in critical areas of human and economic development. In the social sector, schemes which require coordination and synthesis like rural health, drinking water, rural energy needs, literacy and environment protection have yet to be subjected to coordinated policy formulation. It has led to multiplicity of agencies. An integrated approach can lead to better results at much lower costs.

188. The emphasis of the Commission will be on maximising the output by using our limited resources optimally. Instead of looking for mere increase in the plan outlays, the effort will be to look for increases in the efficiency of utilisation of the allocations being made. The priorities, programmes and strategies of the Plan, therefore, have to take into account all these factors.

189. With the emergence of severe constraints on available budgetary resources, the resource allocation system between the States and Ministries of the Central Government will be under strain. This will require the Planning Commission to play a mediatory and facilitating role, keeping in view the best interest of all concerned. It will have to ensure smooth management of the change and help in creating a culture of high productivity and efficiency in the Government.

190. The key to efficient utilisation of resources lies in the creation of appropriate self-managed organisations at all levels. In this area, Planning Commission will play a systems change role and provide consultancy within the Government for developing better systems.

191. In order to spread the gains of experience more widely, Planning Commission will also play an information dissemination role.


192. Power and Energy Division is concerned with all major plan related policies and programmes in the energy sector. This includes demand assessment, supply side management and conservation efforts. The Division is also working on a National Energy Policy. The Division has three units dealing with Power and Energy Economics, Coal and Petroleum. Some important tasks handled by these units are mentioned below. The Power unit also examines proposals leading to investment approval for power schemes in the State Sector.

Power and Energy Economics unit

193. The Power and Energy Economics Unit has finalised the Annual Report on the working of the State Electricity Boards/Electricity Departments.

194. The unit has prepared the draft Mid-Term Appraisal Report of the Ninth Plan. The unit reviewed the Plan targets and achievements in respect of installed capacity addition, progress on structural reforms by various States and the role of private sector participation.

195. A meeting of experts from various organisations was convened under the chairmanship of Member (Energy), Planning Commission to review the Ninth Plan Mid-Term Appraisal Report of the power sector.

196. A Working Group under the chairmanship of Pr. Adviser (Energy), Planning Commission has been constituted to look into different options for Rural Electrification in remote and difficult areas.

197. A presentation was made to Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission by the Member (Energy) on the role of Private Sector in the infrastructure development during Ninth Plan. The unit prepared the presentation material in respect of power sector highlighting progress of private sector investment in Ninth Plan, and feasible investment at the end of Plan.

198. The unit carried out the upgradation of Data Bank.

199. Action for formulation of Annual Plan 2000-01 has been initiated.

Coal Unit

200. The Coal Unit prepared the Draft Mid-Term Appraisal of Ninth Five Year Plan of the Coal Sector after the detailed discussions.

201. The Unit conducted the Quarterly Performance Review Meeting alongwith the review of Prime Minister’s Special Action Plan for Coal Sector.

202. The Unit has provided material for drafting Energy Policy Committee Report.

203. The officers of the Unit have interacted with a Consultant Team engaged by the Department of Coal for review of Regulatory Framework of Indian Coal Sector. Also, participated in different Seminars and undertook field visits for upgrading the knowledge.

204. The upgradation of Data Bank has also been carried out.

205. Action for formulation of Annual Plan 2000-01 has been initiated.

Petroleum Unit

206. The Unit has finalised the draft Mid-term Appraisal Report of the Ninth Plan in consultation with the various experts from the different organisations. The unit reviewed the plan targets in respect of demand, and refining capacity addition, overall policy framework and role of private sector participation.

207. The officers of the unit participated and provided vital inputs for the preparation of Hydrocarbon Vision 2025. The unit also coordinated the activities of Energy Policy Committee and prepared a draft report on long term perspective for Energy Sector.


208. The Project Appraisal and Management Division (PAMD) was reorganised to create a Monitoring Unit. The Equipment Unit comprising Photocopy section, charts and Maps Unit and modernisation programme of office systems was transferred to General Administration. The work relating to Construction Industry Development council (CIDC) was transferred to Transport Division. The work relating to Data Bank of Planning Commission was transferred to Monitoring Unit, a new unit crated in Planning Commission. The functions of the reorganised PAMD, are as follows :

  1. To develop formats and guidelines for the submission of proposals for projects / programmes and for their techno-economic evaluation
  2. To undertake support research studies with a view to improving methodology and procedure for appraisal of projects and programmes
  3. To undertake techno-economic appraisal of major projects and programmes in the public sector
  4. To assist Central Ministries in establishing proper procedures for preparation of reports of projects and programmes

Appraisal Work

209. As a part of techno-economic appraisal, PAMD appraised Central Sector schemes/ projects costing Rs.15 crores and above, and prepares Appraisal Notes in consultation with the Subject Division of the Planning Commission before these are considered by the Public Investment Board (PIB), Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) and Committee of Public Investment Board ((CPIB) depending upon the nature and size of the proposal. The Division has started appraisal of proposals from the Ministry of Railways costing Rs.50 crores and above from 1995-96.


210. Appraisal Note would be issued within four weeks of the receipt of the proposal. Standing Committee’s constituted to examine time over-run and cost-overrun and assign responsibility for the same.

  • PAMD reorganised to create a monitoring unit.
  • Data relating to 3,750 projects computerised.

211. Planning Commission, with a view to cut down delays, inter-alia, in appraisal of project proposals and to ensure PIB/EFC decision within 4-6 weeks of receipt of PIB/EFC Memorandum from the Departments/Ministries, had decided as under :

212. PAMD would act as Management Adviser to the PIB/EFC and on receipt of PIB/EFC proposal, based on the information contained in the PIB/EFC Memorandum, it will complete appraisal and management advice tendered to PIB/EFC.

213. With a view to ensuring that the appraisal carried out by the PAMD is comprehensive and meaningful, the project authorities/administrative Ministries have been requested to submit only such proposals which are complete in all respects.

214. The outer limit for issue of appraisal note by the PAMD has been fixed at four weeks from the date of receipt of PIB/EFC proposal. In case PAMD fails to appraise the proposal within the prescribed time limit, PIB/EFC meeting could be fixed and their views obtained in the meeting.

215. Proposals on projects/schemes costing Rs.1.5 Cr. and more but less than Rs.15 Cr. are to be considered by the Standing Finance Committee (SFC). The concerned Ministry /Department can now convene SFC meeting without waiting for comments of the Planning Commission provided that :

  • the scheme is included in the plan, and no net increase in domestic budgetary support (excluding EAPs) for the Ministry / Department is required.
  • In cases where only condition (ii) in (d) above is fulfilled, SFC Meeting may be held after 4 weeks in case Planning Commission comments are not received within this time limit. Comments, if any, of the Planning Commission would be offered in the meeting itself.

216. During the year 1998-99, 244 projects/schemes involving a total cost of Rs.1,22,899.2 Cr. were appraised in the Division. During 1999-2000 (1.4.99 to 30.11.99) 140 projects appraised included both the new as well as the proposals on Revised Cost Estimates (RCEs).

217. In pursuance of the recommendations of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, Standing committees were constituted in Ministries to examine the Revised Cost Estimates proposals, where time overrun and cost overrun have occurred and to assign responsibility for the time and cost overruns.

Updated figures
Facts and Figures

Table - A 1999-2000*

Number of projects/schemes appraised :


Capital cost of the projects

appraised above (Rs. Cr.) :


Number of projects appraised in

- Agri. and Allied Sector :

33 ( 23.6 %)

- Energy and Transport

54 (38.6 %)

- Industry and S and T

14 ( 10 % )

- Social Sector

30 (21.4 %)

- Others

9 ( 6.4 %)

* Relates to the period 1.4.1999 to 30.11.1999

218. The sectoral distribution of projects appraised during the years 1998-99 and 1999-2000 is given in Table A above. Information pertaining to major groups of sectors is summarised below :

S. No.




Project Cost Rs. crore Project Cost Rs. crore
No. % Amt. % No. % Amt. %


Agri. and Allied








































Science and Tech.










Social Services










Communication +










Others ++


















* From 1/4/1999 to 30/11/1999
+ Includes Information and Broadcasting, Post, Environment and Forest, Urban Development and Rural Development
++Includes Home Affairs and Department. of Personnel (including NEC Projects not elsewhere included), Planning Commission, Statistics and Programme Implementation, Economic Affairs, Tourism and commerce.

Data Bank of Appraised Projects

219. As an effort to develop Data Bank on project statistics, data pertaining to projects were taken out from the files and appraisal notes of the projects appraised in the PAMD in the past and computerised. The data of 3750 projects have been computerised upto November, 1999.

Data Bank of Planning Commission

220. During the year, Monitoring Unit was carved out of the existing PAMD to undertake the responsibilities of maintaining data bank and monitoring of schemes. This Unit is working under independent charge of another Adviser. In view of this, all the records pertaining to the data bank, earlier maintained in PAMD, were transferred to the monitoring unit.

221. Equipment Unit comprising of photocopy and other allied services and Charts and Maps Unit were also transferred from PAMD to the General Administration, during the year.

222. Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC), which was created to promote development of Construction Industry was transferred to Transport Division.

223. The Modernisation Programme of office systems, intended to promote best office practices, congenial atmosphere and efficient discharge of work was transferred to General Administration.


224. The Rural Development (RD) Division was involved in the restructuring and revamping of the on-going programmes pertaining to rural poverty alleviation and area development, land reforms, panchayati raj and rural housing for their effective implementation in the Ninth Plan. The Division also contributed in the formulation of the new guidelines issued with respect to the schemes of Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (JGSY) and Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS). With regard to the restructuring of the EAS, a Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. S.R. Hashim, Member, Planning Commission was constituted.

225. The RD Division prepared the chapters for the Annual Plan Document for 1998-99 on Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation and Basic Minimum Services. Further, it examined the proposals of the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) for the Annual Plan 1999-2000. It also examined the proposals of the State Governments/UTs for the RD Sector for the current year 1999-2000 and held Working Group Discussions in this regard.

226. The RD Division has formulated the Chapter on `Rural Poverty Alleviation Programmes and Sections on Decentralisation and Panchayati Raj, Rural Housing, Watershed Development Programme and Basic Minimum Services (BMS) for the Mid Term Appraisal of the Ninth Plan.

227. The BMS Cell in the RD Division is the nodal unit for the BMS programme. During the year, the outlays for BMS were discussed with the States/UTs in order to ensure adequate investment or a minimum adequate provision for these seven basic services in their respective Plans. Detailed guidelines for implementation of BMS programme have been prepared and circulated to all States/UT Governments.

228. The RD Division coordinated the organization of the Workshop on key concerns and core indicators for National and State level Human Development Reports which was held in July, 1999 jointly by the Planning Commission and the UNDP. The Division is also handling and coordinating the work relating to preparation of State Human Development Reports.

229. The RD Division acted as the nodal Division with regard to the work undertaken by the National Development Council (NDC) Committee on the Criterion for Allocation of Funds under Major Rural Poverty Alleviation Programmes The meeting of the NDC Committee on the Criterion for allocation of Funds under major Rural Poverty Alleviation Programmes was held on 12th January, 2000 in Planning Commission under the Chairmanship of Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission. The meeting was attended by the Members of the Committee namely; Union Minister for Rural Development, Chief Ministers of Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Member, Planning Commission. Planning Minister of Uttar Pradesh attended the meeting on behalf of the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. The NDC Committee discussed various criteria for allocation of funds under major Rural Poverty Alleviation Programmes. There was a consensus and agreement on continuation of the presently used criteria i.e. 15 per cent adjusted shares as approved by the Full Planning Commission under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister. This allocation criteria is based on poverty estimates for 1993-94 as per the Expert Group methodology with loss to any State contained within 15 per cent band. However, some States made the observation that some incentive might be provided to the States that had performed well in terms of poverty reduction. The Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission appreciated their concern and agreed that this issue would be given due consideration at the time of the formulation of the Tenth Five Year Plan. It was also noted that there were special needs and pockets of acute distress in some States and these would also be addressed. The above recommendations of the NDC Committee would be placed before the NDC.

230. In pursuance of the decision taken in the National Development Council (NDC) meeting held in February, 1999, a NDC Committee has been set up under the Chairmanship of the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission with members from both the Central Ministries and the States on the Transfer of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) The RD Division is functioning as the nodal Division for the Committee.

231. The Adviser (RD) has been representative on several Committees which include among others (i) Advisory Committee of the Micro Impact of Macro and Adjustment Policies (MIMAP)- India Project and Advisory Committee of Programme of Research in Human Development Project of National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), (ii) Member of Governing Council, Indian Institute of Rural Management, Jaipur; (iii)Member, Board of Governors Institute of Human Development, New Delhi; (iv) Member General Body of National Society for Promotion of Development Administration, Research and Training, Mussoorie; (v) Member, General Body of National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad; (vi) Member of Programme Management Board for Community Based Pro-Poor Initiatives.The Adviser (RD) participated in the Regional Seminar on Rights and Development organized by UNDP in Sri Lanka .The Director (RD) is a member of the following Committees: (i) Project Screening Committee for SGSY Special Projects; and (ii) Standing Committee for the Community Based Pro-Poor Initiatives Programme. The officers of Rural Development Division participated in the Second Session of the ESCAP Committee on socio-economic measures to alleviate the poverty in rural and urban areas held in Bangkok and Seminar on Planning of Rural Development organized by the Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) in Manila, Phillipines.


232. The S and T Division deals with the formulation of Five Year Plans, Annual Plans, examination of plan projects/ schemes etc. relating to S and T sector both for the Central S and T Departments/ Agencies and S and T programmes of the States/UTs. During year 1999-2000, the following major activities were undertaken :

i) The Annual Plan (1999-2000) proposals of Central Scientific Departments / Agencies were examined. Separate discussions were held with the concerned departments/ agencies to finalise their Annual Plan outlays. Focus was made on the programmes/projects/schemes implemented by these departments/agencies in the areas of technology development and capacity building for achieving self reliance in the field of nuclear science; development and operationalisation of indigenous satellite, launch vehicle and associated ground segment for providing space based services; building and sustaining a strong science and technology base in the country; support to scientific and industrial research linking of R and D to market place; promotion of biotechnology research for bio-industrial development of the country; conservation of biological resources; survey and exploration of ocean resources and coastal zone management etc. S and T Chapter for the Annual Plan 1999-2000 document was prepared.

ii) The S and T Division was involved in the Working Group discussions on the Annual Plan proposals of the various States/UTs for the year 1999-2000 and outlays pertaining to Science and Technology were finalised. During the Working Group Discussions with the State/UT representatives, emphasis was laid on the activities/programmes relating to S and T promotion in the States particularly on the identification and support to location specific S and T projects for the development of the State. Need for the close interaction with the Central Scientific Departments/ Agencies was also focused.

iii) The Mid Term Review exercise of the Central Scientific Departments/ Agencies was undertaken by examination of their proposals, preparation of the discussion note, organization of separate meetings with the concerned departments/ agencies under the Chairmanship of Member (Science). Mid Term Appraisal Chapter for the S and T Sector was prepared. The thrust during the Mid Term Review Exercise was on optimum harnessing of S and T for societal benefits, R and D programmes on mission mode, nurturing of outstanding scientists by offering them facilities comparable with international standards, attract young scientists for taking science as a career, strengthening linkages between the industry and research institutions/laboratories for development and market technology, development of clean and eco-friendly technologies, creation of awareness on technology marketing etc.

iv) Several EFC/SFC memos, Cabinet Papers etc. in the areas of nuclear science, space science, ocean science, biotechnology, R and D for industrial development, promotion of S and T in the country etc. were examined and meetings connected with SFC/EFC attended.


233. The Socio-Economic Research (SER) Unit assist Planning Commission implementing the scheme of grant-in-aid to Universities / Research Institutions for encouraging the activities on Planning and Development.

234. Initially it was introduced in 1953 in the shape of Research Programme Committee (RPC) headed by Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission for sponsoring and assisting research and investigation in economic, social, political and administrative problems of national development.

235. Later on it was re-constituted in 1962 in the shape of Committee for Research in Planning and Development (CRPD), with the Deputy Chairman as its Chairman, for promoting research in basic problems of Planning and Development. The object was to develop collaborative research with selected research institutions, viz Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi-Calcutta, National Council of Applied Economic Research, New Delhi and the Department of Economics, University of Mumbai.

236. The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) was set up in 1982 under the Chairmanship of late Professor Sukhumoy Chakravarty, of University of Delhi, a former Member (Economics) of Planning Commission , who at that time was Chairman of Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister in the rank of Member of State. Thereafter , the Office of Chairman was held by Deputy Chairman (1991 to March,1998) with the intervening periods Chairmanship with Member PC (1990), An External Expert (1991) January to June ) and Minister of State for Planning ( October, 1996 to June,1997).

237. The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) was recently re-constituted on 21st August,1998 under the Chairmanship of Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission. It includes eminent economists and Scientists as members. The scope of work of this Committee is broader than the earlier RAC. In view of the on going economic reforms and the changing scenario of world economy, the type of research required in various disciplines has undergone a major change. The Committee will mainly focus attention on the national level research requirements. This includes assessment of and advice on the future directions of social, economic and industrial development of the country.

238. The meeting of Research Advisory Committee (RAC) was held on 9th December, 1999 under the Chairmanship of Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission and full time Members of Planning Commission also participated as special invitees.

239. The composition of RAC are at Annexure-4.2.

240. The main terms of reference are:

  • The Committee will assess and advice on the future directions of social. Economic and industrial development of the country. In this context, the Committee will deliberate upon the current and future technological needs and options of the Nation for all spheres of economic activities, and its work should provide the agenda for research and development, and technology acquisition by Government and industry.
  • The advise on any other matter relevant or incidental to discharge the above function.

241. A Group of Advisers headed by Secretary, Planning Commission has been constituted in September 22,1998 for the purpose of considering the research proposals on studies, seminars. This Group met twice upto December,1999.

242. Grant-In-Aid amounting to Rs.29,99,195/= have been released during 1999-2000 as on 10th January,2000 for the following activities:-

i) Research Studies


ii) Seminars / Workshops




243. The Institution-Wise details of grant-in-aid provided during 1999-2000 is at Annexure-4.3.

244. Ten Research Studies and two Seminars / Workshops have been completed during 1999-2000 and the draft /final report /Proceedings are received. Details are at Annexure-4.4.

245. Eighteen New Research Studies and Three Seminars / Workshops have been approved by the Group of Advisers for Grant-in-aid for Research under SER scheme of the Planning Commission during 1999-2000. Details are at Annexure-4.5 and 4.6 respectively.

Centre for Research in Planning and Development (CRPD), Mumbai

246. Planning Commission is supporting a Centre for Research in Planning and Development Unit in the Department of Economics, Mumbai University, Mumbai. The thrust area of research in the Unit is social dynamics in urban areas. CRPD has completed a project on Urban Dynamics and Varied Socio-Economic Issues related to Dalit and Migrants among them during the post –Independence era and Dawn of the Twenty-First Century in Mumbai Metropolies.

Centre for Research in Planning and Development, Pune

247. Planning Commission is supporting a Centre for Research in Planning and Development Unit at the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. The Thrust area of research in the Unit is Structural Changes – Implication and Assessment . The Unit has completed two Projects On " Capital Coefficients in the Organised and Unorganised Manufacturing Sector of the Indian Economy and Movement of Energy Prices ".

Development Planning Centre at Institute of Economic Growth , Delhi

248. The Development Planning Centre (DPC) was set up at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi to carry out research on Techniques of Development Planning in the changing economic environment. A major research work being done for Planning Commission is the Development of a macro economic model.

249 The Scheme of Socio Economic Research (SER) has been in operation for nearly 47 years. The objective is to promote research for a better understanding of planning process. Grant-in-aid is provided to universities and research institutions for carrying out research studies. The programme has also sponsored Seminars, Workshops and Conferences to stimulate an informed debate on research themes/ topics relevant to development planning.

250. A Group of Advisers headed by Secretary, Planning Commission has been constituted for the purpose of considering the research proposals on studies, seminars, institutional development and publication of research work. This Group met twice upto January, 2000.


Women and Child Development

251. The Women and Child Development Division deals with the empowerment of women and development of children. Details of the important activities undertaken by the Division during the year 1999-2000 in respect of women and child development are given below :

Important Achievements in the Women and Child Development (WCD) Sector

  • At the instance of the SD and WP Division, a quick evaluation of the working of Indira Mahila Yojana (IMY) was undertaken by a Joint Study Team of the Officers of both - the Department of Women and Child Development and Planning Commission. Based on the findings, IMY has now been recast to enrich the programme by adding the component - training for capacity building and income generation activities with the support of both forward and backward linkages and tie-ups with Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) for credit services. IMY is a programme with an integrated approach which aims to minimize the cost and optimize the impact through convergence of all the existing women related services.
  • As part of the exercise of Rationalisation and Minimisation of the ongoing schemes prompted the D/WCD to initiate action to merge 4 schemes with similar objectives viz., i) Support for Training and Employment Programme (STEP); ii) Training-cum-Production Centres (popularly known as NORAD); iii) Socio Economic Programme (SEP) and iv) Condensed Courses of Education and Vocational Training (CCE and VT) for adult women into one single umbrella programme of ' Training and Employment for women '.
  • Towards universalising the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), the programme is being expanded to another 851 blocks during 2000-2002. In this context, the Division advised the Department to restructure ICDS, on experimental basis.

252. Towards effective implementation of the Ninth Plan strategy of Empowering Women and Development of Children, the Division continued to interact / coordinate effectively with the nodal Department of Women and Child Development and the other women-related Central Ministries / Departments to ensure that the policies, plans and programmes are put into action in the right perspective of achieving the Ninth Plan commitments. The major efforts of the Division during the year was to pursue vigorously the implementation of the new strategy of ' Women’s Component Plan ' so that the flow of benefits from other developmental sectors do not by-pass women. As per the information available, the following 12 Central Ministries/Departments viz. Health and Family Welfare, education, Labour, Agriculture, Rural Development, Social Justice and Empowerment, Textiles, Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Information and Broadcasting have confirmed stating that they have already initiated action in formulating Women’s Component Plan.

253. The Scheme of Balika Samriddhi Yojana (BSY) originated with the announcement of the Prime Minister on 15 August 1997 stating that the Government would extend financial help to the families to whom a girl child is born if they are living Below Poverty Line (BPL). Later, scholarships would also be given when the girl child goes to school. Accordingly, a programme of Balika Samriddhi Yojana was launched on 2 October 1997 to extend a post-delivery grant of Rs.500/- for the mother of the Girl Child belonging to the BPL Group. For this, the Government released an ad-hoc grant of Rs.60 crore to cover 12 lakh girl children in the financial year 1997-98.

254. To make the programme more effective, a Group of Ministers reviewed the implementation of the programme in 1999. Based on their recommendations, the programme was recast as a CSS with the following features: -

i) the post-delivery grant of Rs.500/- per girl child will, instead of being paid in cash, be deposited in an interest-bearing account in the name of the girl child with the nearest bank/post office. This amount would be paid to the girl child upon her completing 18 years of age. Withdrawal by transfer would be permitted from this account for the sole purpose of paying premium under any insurance scheme benefiting the girl child;

Balika Samridhi Yojana (BSY)

  • BSY - a special intervention to raise the status of the Girl Child promises a grant of Rs.500/- to be deposited in an interest-bearing account in the name of the girl child with the nearest bank/post office; and
  • Scholarships to be given when the girl child starts going to school
  • At the rate of Rs.300/- per annum each in classes I - III, Rs.500/- in class IV; Rs.600/- in class V; Rs.700/- each in classes VI and VII; Rs.800/- in class VIII; and Rs.1000/- in classes IX and X;
  • The amount of Scholarship may also be deposited in the same interest bearing at the rate of Rs.300/- per account at the option of the guardian of the girl child and to be given to her at the age of 18 years, if remaining unmarried;

ii) Annual scholarships would also be given to the girl child when she starts going to school. The rate of the scholarships will be Rs.300 each in classes I-III, Rs.500 in class IV, Rs.600 in class V, Rs.700 each in classes VI and VII, Rs.800 in class VIII and Rs.1000 each in classes IX and X. The scholarship amount may be deposited in the same Account at the option of the guardian of the Girl Child, in which the post-delivery grant of Rs.500/- has been kept. These deposits will mature upon the girl child attaining the age of 18 years and remaining unmarried till then. The amount of scholarships can also be paid in kind at the discretion of the guardian of the girl child. The Programme of Recast BSY with the above revisions will be put into action during 1999-2000.

255. The Division, in close collaboration with the Project Appraisal and Monitoring Division (PAMD) examined / cleared various plan programmes of the Department in respect of EFC Memos / Cabinet Notes, ICDS(General), the World Bank Assisted ICDS (Phase-3), the Recast Indira Mahila Yojana, the Recast Balika Samriddhi Yojana, ICDS Component of Andhra Pradesh Economic Restructuring Project (APERP) etc.

256. As part of the Annual Plan exercise at the central level, the Division examined the Plan proposals of the nodal Department of Women and Child Development for 1999-2000, assessed the scheme-wise financial requirements and assisted the Plan Coordination Division in finalizing the outlays for the Department.

257. To discuss and finalize the State Annual Plans for 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 in respect of Women and Children, Sectoral Working Group Meetings were conducted under the Chairpersonship of Adviser (SD and WP) during the year under reference. Besides, the State representatives, the Working Group Meetings were attended to by the representatives of the nodal Department of Women and Child Development. The Working Group reviewed the progress of various policies and programmes, assessed the financial situation, identified the existing gaps and weak links and suggested necessary measures to overcome the shortfalls and difficulties. Summary Records of the Working Groups were circulated to all the concerned for necessary action. Based on these discussions, brief Notes for the use in the meetings between the State Chief Ministers and the Deputy Chairman were also prepared for finalisation of Annual Plans referred to above.

258. During the year under reference, the Division was also actively involved in the preparation of the Mid-Term Appraisal of the Ninth Five Year Plan in respect of the Women and Child Development Sector. The Draft MTA Chapter on Empowerment of Women and Development of Children was being finalized for incorporation in the main Document ' Mid-Term Appraisal ' of the Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002).

259. The Division has also participated in various International Fora related to Women and Children. The Adviser (WCD) represented the Planning commission as part of the Indian Delegation to the ' ESCAP - High Level Inter-Governmental Meeting ' held at Bangkok during 25-30 October, 1999 to review the regional implementation of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action.


260. As the Ninth Plan reaffirms the earlier commitment of making as many disabled as productive contributors to the national economy and lays special emphasis on adopting an integrated approach to empower the disabled, the Division initiated action towards effective convergence of the existing services available under various disabled - related sectors of health, education, nutrition, women and child development, labour, rural development, urban development, science and technology etc.

261. In this context, an Inter-Ministerial Meeting was also organized in August 1999 under the Chairpersonship of Dr. D.N. Tiwari, Member, in-charge of the Sector. All the concerned Central Ministries/Departments including the nodal Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment deliberated, in detail, all the important issues relating to convergence of services in the implementation of The Persons with Disabilities ( Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation ) Act, 1995 ( PD Act). Important decisions arrived at in the Meeting include -i) the nodal Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (M/SJ and E) would prepare a Blue Print along with a National Plan of Action on Empowering the Persons with Disabilities; nd ii) the proposed Plan of Action should clearly identify those Ministries/Departments who would be the partners in this common endeavour and what would be the responsibilities; mechanism for Inter-Ministerial Coordination convergence, etc.;

262. In support of the efforts of the nodal Ministry to fulfill the Ninth Plan commitment of 'Reaching the Un-reached - the rural disabled ' , the Division extended all the necessary support and expertise in formulating the need-based Action Plan and Programmes , both infrastructural and service - oriented. The Ministry is expected to come out with a Blue Print of the National Plan of Action for the Disabled very shortly listing out the commitments / responsibilities of all the concerned Central Ministries / Departments as Partners in the common endeavour of implementing the PD Act of 1995 ensuring protection of rights, equal opportunities and full participation to the persons with disabilities.

263. As a follow-up action of the implementation of the PD Act, the Division assisted the nodal Ministry to initiate action in launching new interventions . One of the important initiative refers to - launching of a country-wide programme of extending rehabilitation services with a special focus on the rural disabled through a State Sector progamme of ' National Programme for Rehabilitation of the Persons with Disabilities'. The programme aims to extend rehabilitation services through State / District Rehabilitation Centres in close collaboration with the NGO Sector.

Important Achievements in the Social Welfare Sector

  • To reach the unreached rural disabled through effective involovement of States / UTs, by launching of a new scheme National Programme for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities in the State Sector
  • Setting up of 6 Regional Composite Resource Centres to cater services to all categories of disabled and 4 Regional Rehabilitation Centres for Spinal Injured and other Orthopaedically disabled.
  • Toward effective implementation of Provisions of PD Act, 1995, a National Monitoring and Evaluation Unit is being set up
  • The existing JJ Act, 1986 has been recasted towards ensuring qualitative improvement in its implementation , in partnership with the States and involvement of NGOs
  • The programmes related to the caring and well being of the Older Persons and Street Children, have been revised to address a wide range of initiatives relating to their security, shelter, welfare and development, by involving voluntary sector

264. The Division, in close collaboration with the Project Appraisal and Monitoring Division also examined EFC/SFC Memoranda and Cabinet Notes in respect of - I) Setting up of 6 Regional Composite Resource Centres for the Disabled, 4 Regional Rehabilitation Centres for Spinal Injured and other Orthopaedically disabled, 4 Auxiliary Production Centres of Artificial Limb Manufacturing Company (ALIMCO); ii) Prevention and Control of Juvenile Social Mal-adjustment ; iii) construction of - Rehabilitation Service Building and Staff Quarters at National Institute for Rehabilitation , Training and Research , Cuttack; Office building for Rehabilitation Council of India, New Delhi; iv) Setting up of a National Monitoring and Evaluation Unit for the disabled. Besides, the Division constantly inter-acted with the Ministry and also monitored the implementation of various social welfare programmes meant for the disabled, social deviants including the juvenile delinquents / vagrants; alcoholics / drug addicts; child / adult sex workers and for the other disadvantaged groups viz., the aged , the destitutes and the street children.

265. To discuss /finalize the State Annual Plans for the years 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 in respect of Social Welfare, Working Group Meetings were held under the Chairpersonship of Adviser (SD and WP) in June and December 1999, respectively. Apart from the State representatives, the Working Group Meetings were attended by the representatives of Central Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. Besides reviewing the progress of the implementation of the various policies and programmes, the Working Groups assessed the financial requirements of individual states and made recommendations in the allocation of resources in respect of Social Welfare Sector. Similarly, the Division also made an assessment of the financial requirements of the nodal Ministry and helped the Plan Coordination Division in allocating the necessary outlays for the year 2000-2001.

266. As part of the total exercise of the preparation of the Mid-Term Appraisal of the Ninth Five Year Plan, the Division attempted an over - all review of the Sector and identified the following gaps - i) Social Welfare services continued to be urban-oriented and as such hardly reached the rural population. In respect of Disabled, the total coverage was limited only to 5%; ii) Only a few States, which are already doing well, are enjoying a major share of grant-in-aid causing regional imbalances; iii) Lack of effective co-ordination between the Central and the State Governments and between the Govt. and NGOs ; iv) Mandatory Institutions in the field of Social Defence are deprived of even basic minimum services; v) State Governments have failed to develop ownership of the programmes for prevention / prohibition of drug addicts. As a follow-up of this exercise, midterm corrections are being planned for.


267. The State Plans Division is entrusted with the responsibility of assisting in finalizing the Annual Plans and Five Year Plans of States/ Union Territories. The division coordinates all activities relating to the formulation of Plans of States/ UTs such as issuing of guidelines, organization of meetings between Deputy Chairman and Chief Ministers/ Governors/ Lt. Governors of States/ UTs, for deciding the plan size as well as organizing Working Group Meetings for finalisation of sectoral outlays of States/UTs.

268. The division also deals with matters relating to sanction of Additional Central Assistance to States/UTs for specific schemes/ projects and also proposals regarding externally aided projects and revised outlays of States/ UTs. The division is the repository of detailed information relating to Plan outlays and expenditure of States/UTs. During the year 1999-2000, the database on State Plans during the Ninth Plan period has been fully computerized and networked, and procedures put in place so that they are updated and improved to act as a reference for use by the Commission.

269. The Division also dealt with the work relating to Inter Ministerial Group and NFCR Committee meetings pertaining to national calamities, and coordinated the work relating to Sarkaria Commission recommendations and Inter State Council and Zonal Councils. During the year, officers from the State Plan Division participated in the Central Teams that visited the natural calamity-hit States of Orissa, Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura, to assess the relief requirements. Tenth Finance Commission recommendations for grants for upgradation of Administration, Special Problems like providing drinking water in Primary Schools, Fire Services and Education etc. were also dealt with by this division during the year.

Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002)

270. The thrust of the Ninth Plan has been to accelerate the growth rate leading to higher growth in employment, eradication of poverty and enhancing domestic capabilities in mobilizing resources for development. In order to improve the quality of life of the people emphasis is being laid on providing Basic Minimum Services which include drinking water, primary health services, primary education, housing to the shelterless, mid-day meals in primary schools, connectivity of villages and the Public Distribution System. Agricultural and Rural Development continues to get special attention in addition to physical infrastructure and reforms of public sector enterprises. Keeping in view the objectives of advancing the principles of economic federalism, States are allowed greater autonomy in formulation of plans during the Ninth Plan period.

Annual Plan 1999-2000

271. The Annual Plan discussions to finalise the plan size and outlays of different States and UTs for Annual Plan 1999-2000 were held during June/ July, 1999. During these discussions, presentations on the salient features of the proposed Annual Plan and major issues relating to a State were prepared by the officers of the State Plan Division, and made during the meeting of the Deputy Chairman with Chief Ministers of States. Following these high level meetings, an outlay of Rs. 88741.96 cr. has been approved for all the States/UTs for the Annual Plan 1999-2000, as compared to an outlay of Rs. 80720.31 crore approved for the year 1998-99, indicating an increase of 9.94%. A total of Rs. 33,000 crores was provided in the Budget Estimates for 1999-2000 as Central Assistance for State and UT Plans of which Rs. 16, 540 crores was on account of normal Central Assistance and the remaining for other priority categories. This included Rs. 5,500 as additional Central Assistance for Externally Aided Projects. The plan outlay for 1999-2000 includes an amount of Rs. 3700.00 crore and Rs. 385.08 crore towards Additional Central Assistance for Basic Minimum Services and Slum Development respectively

272. With a view to ensure investment in priority sectors as per plan objectives, the practice of earmarking of outlays under selected schemes/ projects was continued. Outlays under various schemes in selected sectors of importance to the States economy, Special Area programmes, Externally Aided Projects, Basic Minimum Services and some Irrigation and Power Projects were earmarked. The States/UTs have been given the option to allocate the amount provided for seven Basic Minimum Services in accordance with their priorities. A separate provision of Rs. 450.00 crore has been made for the plan of North Eastern Council during the year 1999-2000.

273. After a gap of two years, Working Group discussions were held this year for all States. The general experience was that these Working Group meetings were useful in exchange of views in understanding the problems of States in various sectors, and as a learning exercise regarding successes and failures in different States.

Preparation for Annual Plan 2000-2001

274. Based on the feedback received from State Government officials during the working group discussions for Annual Plan 1999-2000, it was felt that such meetings should be held before the Annual Plan discussions at the level of Deputy Chairman and Chief Minister, so that the sectoral projections as well as the problems of different sectors could be raised at the highest level. Accordingly, Working Group meetings for the Annual Plan 2000-2001 were held in the period November, 1999 to January, 2000. To allow greater flexibility and to complete the exercise of working group discussions before the meetings of Deputy Chairman with Chief Ministers, the practice of holding the Working Group for a particular State on the same date was changed for the Annual Plan 2000-2001 exercise. Twenty subject matter oriented sectoral working groups headed by the respective sectoral Advisers of the Planning Commission were formed. The meetings of these Groups were then called by the Advisers separately for the sectors concerning them in each State. This enabled the sectoral Advisers to have discussions with the State representatives in greater depth, and the outcome of their deliberations to serve as an input into formulation of Annual Plans for 2000-01.


275. The Transport Division is primarily involved in the process of planning and development for the Transport and Tourism Sectors to meet the growing demand for the related services in the country. It is concerned with the overall budgetary and physical planning for various modes of transport and its efforts are directed towards attaining an appropriate inter-modal mix in the transport network. Some of the important activities are indicated below :

  • Demand assessment for Transport Services both passenger and goods traffic.
  • Assessment of existing capacity of different modes and estimation of resource requirement for the Plan.
  • Identification of the role of private sector in infrastructure investment to supplement the effort of Government for speedy removal of sectoral bottlenecks.
  • Overall planning of Transport Sector in the country.
  • Finalisation of Annual Plan outlay for transport and tourism sectors.

During the year following salient activities were undertaken by the Transport Division.

276. The Draft Integrated Transport Policy was discussed with concerned Ministries and subsequently a Sub-Committee was set up under the Chairmanship of Member (MSA), Planning Commission. The Draft Integrated Transport Policy was reconstructed sector-wise, as per recommendation of the Sub-Committee and submitted.

277. The Mid-term appraisal report for Ninth Five Year Plan for Transport and Tourism sectors was drafted.

278. Annual Plan 1999-2000 proposals in respect of related Central Ministries and State Governments/UTs and NEC were discussed and recommendations made after having in-depth examination.

279. Investment proposals formulated by Central Ministries of Surface Transport, Railways, Civil Aviation and Tourism were appraised.

280. Organised meetings and presentations focussing on policy framework and performance of various sub-sectors of transport, problem of resource mobilisation, formulation of investment strategy, private sector participation etc.

281. Carried out assessment of resources in respect of 47 State Road Transport Undertakings (SRTU) for the Annual Plan 2000-01 which, inter alia, involved different physical and financial parameters of passenger transport services operated by the SRTU. The physical and financial data on transport operation during 1999-2000 by the SRTUs was also compiled and Undertakings were advised to take corrective measures to improve their performance and bring down the financial loss through measures like voluntary retirement scheme, privatisation of certain routes, increase in bus fare, reduction in overhead expenditure, improvement in km. Operation through redeployment of buses, reduction in the number of overaged fleet etc. The losses incurred by SRTUs is given in Bar Chart I (Annexure 4.7) and its physical performance in Bar Chart II (Annexure 4.8).


282. The VSI Sector includes the sub-sectors like :

1. Small Scale Industries

Ministry of SSIA and RI

Ministry of Textiles

2. Khadi and Village Industries

3. Coir Industries

4. Handlooms

5. Powerlooms

6. Handicrafts

7. Sericulture

8. Wool Development

9. Food Processing Industries

Ministry of Food Processing Inds.

283. At the instance of the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, a Study Group has been set up for Development of Small Enterprises under the Chairmanship of Dr. S.P. Gupta, Member, Planning Commission. Adviser (I and M/VSI) is the Convenor of the Study Group. The Study Group is to look into the problems of SSEs and suggest measures for growth and development of SSEs to increase their contribution in the economy. The Study Group was to submit its report by the end of November, 1999, but its tenure is being extended.

284. So far the Study Group has held three meetings.

285. These sub-groups have also held two/three meetings each and are in the process of finalising their reports which would be submitted to the Study Group for consideration.

286. The Planning Commission monitored the progress of projects for meat processing industries by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries and also represented on the Committee for monitoring the progress of schemes for handloom weavers.

287. The VSI Division had evaluated important schemes/programmes in the VSI sector, like, Credit Guarantee Fund, Deen Dayal Hathkargha Protsahan Yojana and Disinvestment in Modern Food Industries Limited.



288. Apart from the Divisions mentioned above, which are primarily concerned with Plan formulation, monitoring and evaluation, the Planning Commission is supported by the services of house-keeping branches to look after the matters of establishment, accounts, general administration, vigilance and career management, including training requirements of personnel belonging to the Commission. The activities of Vigilance Cell are given under a separate chapter , "Vigilance Activities", as per instruction received from Central Vigilance Commission vide their letter No. 99/PRV/1, dated 30th August,1999.

289. The use of Hindi in official work is monitored by an Official Language Unit. The details of the achievements of the Hindi Section are mentioned in this Report under the heading `Hindi Section'.

290. To provide for the welfare and redressal of the grievances of the employees, Senior Officers have been entrusted with responsibility for prompt action. An officer designated as Liaision Officer for Scheduled Castes /Scheduled Tribes functions in the Commission who in consultation with Ministry of Home Affairs ensures the reservation of posts and provision of other assistance to SC/ST Staff and Officers. Similarly, the interest of Other Backward Classes and minority Communities are being taken care of in pursuance of the policy formulated by the Ministry of Welfare in this regard.

291. Officers and Staff of the Commission are exposed to various training programmes conducted within and outside the country by various national and international organisations of repute. Senior Officers also participate in various seminars and symposia organised by Indian and international organisations. In addition, short-term training programmes are organised and imparted on planning process for various categories of trainees from India and abroad.

292. The Commission maintains a well-equipped library, housing a large collection of books, periodicals and journals covering a wide spectrum of subjects, particularly on the subject of developmental planning. The library functions under supervision of an Advisory Council consisting of Senior Officers of the Commission. The Library has been renovated. The proposal for installation of CD-Rom Unit in the Library has been approved and equipments required for the same are likely to be received during the current financial year.

293. The Officers of the Planning Commission do not come into contact with the general public in its day-to-day work. However, for the redressal of complaints/grievances etc., from the serving as well as retired employees of the Planning Commission, including those of the Programme Evaluation Organisation and the Institute of Applied Manpower Research, an Internal Grievance Redressal Machinery has been set up as per guidelines issued by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances. Principal Adviser (PC and Admn.) is the in-charge of the Grievance Redressal Machinery and is assisted by the Staff Grievance Officers of the level of Director/Deputy Secretary.

294. Monitoring Cell in the Planning Commission was created during the current year with a view to undertake close monitoring of the quality of implementation of the schems in selected Sectors by initiating a few concentrated studies on villages in selected districts of the country through reputed research institutions/ NGOs so as to assess the progress and impact over a period of time.


Career Management

295. During the year 1999-2000 (April - December), two Officers were deputed for long-term courses in U.K. under Technical Co-operation Training Programme (Colombo Plan). 16 Officers were deputed to represent Planning Commission/Government of India in International Workshops/Seminars etc. or to participate in training programmes organized by the International Organizations such as the UN, ILO, UNDP, World Bank, IMF, APO etc. in various countries. Moreover, a foreign tour of Deputy Chairman, 4 foreign tours of Member (Dr. S.R. Hashim) and one foreign tour each of Members (Dr. D.N. Tewari and Dr. S.P. Gupta) were also processed by this Desk during this period.

296. About 65 officers belonging to IES, ISS, GCS, CSS, etc. were sent for various training programmes conducted by Department of Economic Affairs, Department of Statistics, Department of Personnel and Training, Institute of Applied Manpower and Research (IAMR) and various other Government and Autonomous Institutes/Organizations at different places within India. Besides, about 20 officers/staff belonging to CSSS and CSS were sent for various mandatory and other training programmes conducted by Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM) at New Delhi.

297. Further, Planning Commission also conducted familiarisation programmes for Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IAAS) Probationers, Indian Railways Electrical Engineering Service (IRSEE) Probationers, Senior Officers of Defence Services (LDMC), Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES) Probationers and foreign delegates from the IMF and Vietnam during the period under report.


298. During the year under report, Hindi Section of the Planning Commission translated various documents covered under section 3(3) of the Official Languages Act, besides translating the documents required to be issued in Hindi alone or both in Hindi and English which include Annual Plans, Cabinet Notes, material for various Committees etc.

299. To accelerate and facilitate the use of Hindi for various official purposes of the Planning Commission, several steps were taken which include distribution of Comprehensive Glossary of Administrative Terms, introduction of various incentive schemes for doing original work in Hindi, declaration of 4 more Sections/Divisions for doing cent percent work in Hindi raising thereby the total number of Sections/Divisions so far specified from 7 to 11, nomination of personnel for training in Hindi, Hindi typewriting and Hindi stenography and to get the services of trained personnel utilised for Hindi typewriting/Hindi stenography work to the extent possible.

300. Kautilya Award Regulations, 1998 were notified on 29th April, 1999 revising the earliar Regulations of 1989 and modifying the Kautilya Award Scheme of Planning Commission to encourage the original writing of books in Hindi. The amount of awards was also increased from Rs.10,000/-, 7,000/- and 5,000/- to Rs. 18,000/-, 12,000/- and 8,000/- respectively.

301. "Hindi Day" was observed in the Planning Commission on 14th of September, 1999. Golden Jubilee Celebration of Rajbhasha also commenced from this Day in Planning Commission with the organisation of Senior Officers’ meeting in which messages of Hon’ble Home Minister, Minister of State for Planning and Cabinet Secretary were read out and circulated also. The meeting was presided over by Shri K.K. Baksi, Principal Adviser (Education) in Planning Commission and a lecture on the Official Language policy of the Union was delivered by Shri Nishikant Mahajan, ex-Secretary in the Committee of Parliament on Official Language and a retired Joint Secretary form the Department of Official Language (Ministry of Home Affairs).

302. From the 14th to 28th September, 1999, "Hindi Fortnight" was observed during which various Hindi competitions were held. The Fortnight was concluded with a function chaired by the then Hon’ble Minister of State for Planning, Shri Ram Naik who distributed prizes to the winners of the various Hindi competitions held during the Fortnight. The function concluded with a "Kavi Sammelan" in which 9 poets of repute recited their poems.

303. In order to encourage the Sections/Divisions of the Planning Commission to do most of their work in Hindi, a running Shield was awarded to Admn-V Section as winner of the Ist Prize and the Second prize was given to Admn-II Section for their performance in Hindi during the year 1998-99. These prizes were also awarded by the then Hon’ble Minister of State for Planning and Programme Implementation .

304. The Institute of Applied Manpower Research (IAMR) was inspected by a team constituted by the Planning Commission, which included a representative from Department. of Official Language also, to assess the progress made by the Institute in the compliance of the Official Language policy after the visit of the Committee of Parliament on Official Language and a report was submitted to the Committee in compliance of the assurance given to the Committee.

305. Two more offices under the control of the Planning Commission have been got notified under rule 10(4) of the Official Language Rules, 1976 raising thereby the total number of offices so far notified under this rule from 14 to 16, including Planning Commission itself.


306. Planning Commission, due to its very nature of functions, does not come into contact with the general public in its day to day affairs and therefore, hardly receives any grievance from the public. However, the Commission has set up an Internal Grievance Redressal Machinery, as per the guidelines of Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances to deal with grievances of its serving as well as retired employees including those of the Programme Evaluation Organisation and the Institute of Applied Manpower Research. Information on the position ot redressal of grievances is transmitted on-line to the Department of AR and PG every month. So far, during the current year, i.e., 1999-2000, six cases of grievances were received and all these cases have been examined and appropriate remedial action suggested to the Administration.


307. The Planning Commission Library continued to provide reference service and lending facilities to officers of the Planning Commission including PEO and NIC located at Yojana Bhavan. Library also borrowed books on Inter Library Loan from other libraries for the use of Senior Officers of the Planning Commission.

308. The library has computerised almost all its activities viz., circulation, documentation, acquisition, reference etc. These activities are being done on Pentium through LIBSYS Software. Library continues to be the member of Delhi Library Network (DELNET). 307. Electronic mail service is also available which helps in sending messages to the libraries connected with the electronic mail. The Internet facility is available in the Library through which information is provided to the Officers.

309. The library is also bringing out its publications, viz., (i) DOCPLAN : A list of selected articles, with abstracts, culled out from selected journals received in the library: (ii) RECENT LIST OF ADDITIONS : A list of books added to the library, with annotations : (iii) DIVISIONAL DOCUMENTS LIST : A list of such documents prepared by or on behalf of the Planning Commission; and (iv) An Annual List of periodicals received by the library.

310. During the period under report, 799 English and 249 Hindi books/publications have been added to the collection. By the end of March 2000, it is expected that more books in Hindi and English will be added in the Library. 291 Periodicals were also received in the Library. The library also provided about 8000 reference queries, inspite of the closure of the Library due to renovation and shifting. Hence, outside readers/visitors were not entertained. However, the reference queries from the higher officials and exigencies were attended to by the Library.

311. The proposal for installation of CD-ROM Unit in the Library has been approved and equipments required for the same are likely to be received during the current financial year. As soon as the unit starts working, the CD-ROM of the Publications of the Planning Commission, will be released.

312. The Library staff was given training in advance techniques of Library computerisation and Information Retrieval procedures. The Library staff participated in national and international conferences and presented papers on the relevant themes in the field of Library and Information science.


313. All computerization needs of Planning Commission are being looked after by the NIC-YBU, stationed at Yojana Bhavan. A brief account of various Computerisation activities of Planning Commission is as stated below :

Infrastructure Development


314. Ninety three (93) 486 systems have been upgraded to Pentium systems. 190 Pentium II multimedia systems have been installed in the last six months, thereby bringing the total number of Pentium based client systems in Planning Commission to 400.


315. A UTP based Local Area Network has been established in the Planning Commission for 473 nodes. This has been connected to NICNET and INTERNET through RF link, ISDN lines and FTDMA VSAT. All 400 client systems have been configured to this network.

iii) Mail Facility

316. Two mail servers namely ‘’ and ‘’ have been installed. User IDs have been created for all the users on both the systems so that in case of failure of one of the systems, mails can be relayed to the other, thereby reducing the risk of loss of mails. All client systems have been configured for both the user IDs in the Microsoft Outlook Express. Group of users have been created for broadcasting messages, for example, member[at]yojana[dot]nic[dot]in for all Members of Planning Commission.

Software development

317. Four different types of software packages have been developed:

  • Web Based Applications on INTRANET of Planning Commission :

Bulletin Board Alert Service

318. A Bulletin Board Alert Service has been developed on which news items of current interest from Internet as well as from Planning Commission are available. Using any Internet browser, this can be accessed at

Less Paper Administration

319. All the circulars, incumbency statements, entitlements, etc. are available on INTRANET so that any user can browse the site and get the information instead of going to the administration division. Forms like HBA, LTC etc. can be down loaded from the site and submitted.

Library Index

320. Doc Plan and recent addition in the library of books and Journals are available for the users of library.

  • Telephone Directory
  • Telephone directory of officers in the Planning Commission including their E mail addresses is available on the Intranet.
  • Forms for booking of Committee Rooms :
  • There are six committee rooms in the Planning Commission which can be booked Electronically by browsing the site and sending mail to the Protocol Section, requesting for booking without using paper forms.

Network Based Application

321. A common database server ‘yojana_data’ has been established for 24-hour operations. Databases developed by different divisions is available on this data base server which could be accessed by the users from the network neighbourhood. Databases for the following divisions are available on this server :

  • Labour, Employment and Manpower
  • State Plan
  • Financial Resources
  • Development of databases is in progress for other divisions also.

Complaint Monitoring System

322. This system registers hardware complaints from all users directly on the system.

Stand Alone Databases

323. These databases are developed for single user and is not available on the network.

a. Centrally Sponsored Schemes

324. This database has been developed for the Rural Development Division. It contains information on sanction of schemes, budgetary allocations/expenditure, etc.

b. Training Data base

325. This database contains the list of officers who have attended/propose to attend the training conducted/to be conducted by NIC-YBU.

c. Demand for Grants

326. Demand for grants for Planning Commission has been computerized. Several other reports, which are sent to Finance Ministry like, plan Budget link etc. can also be generated from this database in English and Hindi.

d. Expenditure Monitoring System

327. This system generates scheme wise (Plan and Non Plan), Major head wise and object head wise, monthly expenditure reports for internal use in the Planning Commission.

e. Basic Minimum Services

328. Menu driven software is developed for data entry and updation. Reports are generated for services like, Education, Nutrition, Health, Drinking water, etc.

f. Programme Evaluation Organisation (PEO)

329. Software has been developed for data entry, validation and report generation for the surveys conducted for this year for Employment Assurance Scheme, Khadi and Village Industries Project and Public Distribution System.

Release Monitoring System

330. This software has been developed to monitor the release of funds to the implementing agencies under NSAP in the Ministry of Rural Development. Replicating this software in other divisions in the Ministry is in progress.

Client Server Applications

331. Big databases have been developed and loaded on the SQL Server, which can be accessed by the clients through the LAN.

a. Non-Governmental Organisations Database

332. This database compiles the list of NGOs funded by various Ministries/Departments like Ministry of Human Resources Development, Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment, etc. Cross referencing between the funding by various Ministries, performance of organisation, list of organisations working in a particular geographical area, list of organisations working on a particular field, etc. can be queried from this Database.

b. Village Amenity database

333. The database containing infrastructure details upto the village level as per census 91 can be accessed by all clients on the LAN. It is proposed to convert this package into window based version. GIS upto district level will be interfaced with this database.

c. Minimum Data Records System

334. This system monitors all Central and Centrally Sponsored Schemes, containing Annual Financial Data and Five Year Plan Data. This has been classified into sectors/sub sectors/Ministries/Departments/undertakings for ongoing and new schemes. This data base contains data for about 13,000 schemes starting from 1985-86.

Support Services

335. Hardware, Software and LAN maintenance is provided by inhouse engineers as well as AMC vendors.

IV. Cyber Café

336. A Cyber Café "Soochna Dwar" has been set up near the reception desk in Yojana Bhavan. 3 computers connected to INTERNET have been installed. Following facilities are available at the Soochna Dwar for Journalists, academicians and experts :

  • Internet Browsing
  • Information on Planning Commission
  • Information on Plan and Development
  • Downloading information from Internet

V. Home Page

337. The Home Page of Planning Commission has been developed and is available at ‘’. This was officially released by the Deputy Chairman on the 25th January, 2000.

VI. Five Year Plan for Information Technology

338. The Five Year Plan for IT for the Planning Commission has been prepared giving details of the infrastructure requirement, budgetary estimate, etc.

VII Implementation of Centrally Developed Software

339. The following Software developed centrally are being implemented at Planning Commission:

  • Office Procedure Automation
  • Personnel Information System
  • Geographic Information System

VIII. Training on Computer Awareness

340. Two Weeks training programme in batches is being conducted regularly at the NIC-YBU on Computer Awareness, MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, etc.

341. A three week training programme was conducted for 144 Children of Planning Commission employees in 6 Batches to inculcate computer awareness among them.

342. One week training was conducted for officers and staff of PEOs and REOs outside Delhi to apprise them of the latest software trends and also about the software developed by NIC for their use.


343. The Planning Commission Sports and Recreation Club conducts various sports and cultural activities in the Planning Commission. Deputy Secretary (G.A.), Planning Commission, is its Honorary President. Secretary, Planning Commission, is the patron of the Club.

344. The Planning Commission Club promotes sports amongst its members, which includes employees of Planning Commission and Programme Evaluation Organisation. Planning Commission was represented in various Inter-Ministry Tournaments and the performance of the players was praiseworthy.

345. Internal Tournaments of the Planning Commission and Annual Athletic Meet are also conducted.

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