• List of Tables
  • List of Figures
  • List of Boxes
  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • Executive Summary

Chapter 1

  • Development Schemes: A Perspective
  • The Development Schemes Through different Five Year Plan
  • Need for Present Study

Chapter 2

  • Methodology.
  • Primary Data
    • Formal Interviews
    • Informal Interviews
    • Group Meetings
    • Case studies
    • Observations
    • First hand information
  • Criteria for Data Collection
  • Sampling
    • Criteria for selection of Hoshangabad District
    • Selection of Blocks
    • Panchayat and villages
    • Selection of Respondents
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Secondary Data
  • Orientation to Field Investigators

Chapter 3

  • Development Schemes (Rural)
  • Various schemes at national level
  • Development Schemes in Hoshangabad District – Panchayat

Chapter 4

  • District And Block Profiles
  • General Features
  • Demographic Characteristics
  • Literacy Rate
  • Connectivity
  • Industries
  • Agriculture and Irrigation
  • Comparative Profile of Blocks as Compared with District
  • Size of Settlements
  • Situation of Roads
  • Land Use Pattern
  • Holding Sizes
  • Economic Status.
  • Irrigation
  • Cropping Pattern

Chapter 5

  • Development Schemes : The Ground Realities
  • Schemes Operational - at the Grassroots level
  • Block Kesala
  • Block Hoshangabad
  • Block Seoni Malwa
  • Block Babai
  • Percolation of benefits of schemes
  • Indira Awas Yojana
    • Rashtriya Bridhawastha Pension
    • Jeevan Dhara
    • Rashtriya Parivar Sahayata Yojana
    • Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana
    • Matratave Sahayata Yojana
    • Rajiv Gandhi Jal Mission
    • Integrated Rural Development Programme
    • Swaran Jayanti Swarojgar Yojana
    • Balika Samridhi Yojana
    • Moolbhoot Adho-Sanrachana
    • Pattern of distribution of schemes : area wise
  • Factors affecting implementation of schemes
  • Policy implications
  • State Level Activities
  • District administration
  • Departmental Coordinator
  • Block
  • Corruption
  • Handling of the programme
  • Lack of perfect co-ordination
  • Panchayat
  • Corruption
  • Lesser Target Setting
  • Delay or untimely facility 71 Forgery 71
  • Effectiveness of Sarpanch
  • Beneficiaries attitude
  • Lack of Right Perspective
  • Bribe Offering by beneficiary
  • Hiding the fact
  • Development Schemes: Source of easy and quick money
  • Poor Propaganda
  • Lesser number of villagers visiting Panchayat
  • * Difficulties Faced in Access to Development Schemes
  • * Suggestions by Beneficiaries

Chapter 6

  • Impact of Schemes
  • Fine Impact
  • Visible Impact
  • Negative
  • Positive
  • IAY
  • Rajiv Gandhi Jal Mission
  • Model Panchayat
  • Bottlenecks
  • Beneficiary Selection Process
  • New BPL List
  • Panchayat level Selection
  • Block level Selection
  • Time of release of money
  • Points of conflict
  • Lack of Right Perspective

Chapter 7

  • Overview and Recommendations
  • Policy Implications And Alternatives
  • Change in attitude
  • Wholistic Approach
  • Emphasis on quality of implementation
  • Alternatives
  • Simpler and smaller schemes
  • Preparation of programme – a need felt at ground
  • Minimum need for departmental coordination
  • Better communication
  • Handling agency
  • Sensitization of Panchayat members
  • Community resource and collective action
  • Training organisations
  • Experience sharing
  • References
  • Appendices
  • Annexure-I (Questionnaire)
  • Case studies in original (Hindi) (1-40)
  • Case studies – Summarized (English) (1-40)
  • District government in Madhya Pradesh
  • Details of Popular Developmental Schemes in four blocks
  • Indira Awas Yojana
  • Jawahar Rojgar Yojana
  • Rashtriya Bridhawastha Pension
  • Rashtriya Parivar Sahayata Yojana
  • Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana
  • Swaran Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
  • Balika Samridhi Yojana
  • Matratave Sahayata Yojana
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