Data Bank on Agriculture and Allied Sectors*  
Data Bank on Agriculture and Allied Sectors*
1. Selected Indicators of  Agriculture and Allied Sectors 
NOTE: All tables below are in MS Excel.
  1. Gross domestic product (GDP) from agriculture and allied sector and its percentage share to total GDP.
  2. Gross capital formation (GCF) in agriculture and allied sector and its percentage share to total GCF
  3. Distribution of operational holdings - All India
  4. Pattern of land utilisation - All india
  5. Gross area under irrigation by crops -All India
  6. Net area under irrigation by sources - All India
  7. Distribution of agricultural land by use and its percentage to the reported area
  8. Pattern of land utilisation -Statewise
  9. Gross area under irrigation by crops -State-Wise
  10. Coverage of irrigated area under principal crops during 2006-07 (provisional) - State-wise
  11. Production of major crops
  12. Area under principal crops -All India.
  13. Yield of principal crops -All India
  14. Area, production and yield of coconut - All India
  15. Area, production and yield of potato - All India
  16. Area, production and yield of tobacco - All India
  17. Production of principal crops - State-wise
  18. Area under principal crops - State-wise
  19. Average yield of principal crops - State-wise
  20. Imports and exports of agricultural commodities and its percentage share to total imports/ exports
  21. Exports of agricultural products - commodity-wise
  22. Imports of agricultural products - commodity wise
  23. Wholesale price index
  24. Wholesale price index - commodity-wise
  25. Net availability of food grains (per annum) in India
  26. Production and use of agricultural inputs in India
  27. Consumption of electricity for agricultural purposes
  28. All-India consumption of fertilizers in terms of nutrients (n, p and k)
  29. Livestock population in India
  30. All India production of milk, eggs, wool and fish
  31. Progress of afforestation through successive plans
2. State-wise estimates of value of output from Agriculture and Allied Activities (1999-2000 to 2005-06) - (PDF File)
3. Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2009 (PDF File)
4. Indian Horticulture Database 2009 (PDF File)
5. Area and Production Estimates for Horticulture Crops (PDF File and Excel)
6. Advance Estimates of Area and Production of different crops
7. Area, Production and Yield  Estimates (States)
8. Land Use Statistics (States)
9. Land Use Statistics (Districts)
10. Retail Prices of food and non-food items - State and Commodity wise-monthly/ annual
11. Minimum Support Prices
12. Agricultural Census
13. Latest Market prices of Agriculture commodities
14. Report on Price Policy for Sugarcane for Marketing Season 2008-09
15. Report on Price Policy for Kharif Crops of 2008-09
16. Reports on Price Policy for Copra for the 2008-09 Season
17. Report on Price Policy for Rabi Crops of 2008-09 Season
18. Report on Price Policy for Jute of 2008-09 Season
19. Situation Assessment Survey of Farmers 59th Round of NSSO  January-December 2003
  1. Access to Modern Technology for Farmers
  2. Consumption Expenditure for Farmer Households
  3. Indebtedness of Farmer Housesholds
  4. Livestock Ownership Across Operational Land Holding Classes
  5. Seasonal variation in Operational Land Holdings in India
  6. Some Aspects of Farming
20. Monthly, Annual export information and International Prices of Fouriculture and seeds; Fresh fruits and Vegetables; Processed foods and vegetables; Animal Products; Organic products and cereals
21. Annual Reports of Deptt. of Agriculture and Cooperation 
22. Annual Reports of Deptt. of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
23. Reports on release of funds: Deptt.-wise, Scheme-wise, State-wise
24. FAO Statistical Year Book 2009: Statistics Division of FAO
25. FAOSTAT: Time series and cross sectional data on statistics on agriculture, nutrition, fisheries, forestry, land use etc.
  * The databank on Agriculture sector has been created with the sole purpose of making available all relevant statistics at one place for all kinds of users. The inputs of concerned data generating and data providing by Ministries, Institutions and Agencies is greatefully acknowledged.