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National Human Development Report 2001

The Entire Report [ ZIP: File Size 4.47 MB ]

Section wise

Coverpage and Foreword

Chapter 1


  • State of Human Development in India
  • Status in Gender Equality
  • Status in Human Poverty

Chapter 2

State of Human Development Concept, Methodology and Core Indices

  • Background
  • Conceptualising Human Development
  • Objectives and Methodology
  • State of Human Development — Development Radars
  • Composite Indices
  • Summing Up

Chapter 3

Economic Attainments and Well-Being

  • Background
  • Per-Capita Consumption Expenditure
  • Employment Indicators
  • Incidence of Poverty
  • Shelter and Quality of Housing
  • Sanitation — Access to Toilet Facilities
  • Access to Safe Drinking Water
  • Access to Electricity
  • Road Connectivity
  • Summing Up

Chapter 4

Educational Attainments and Well-Being

  • Background
  • Some Educational Indicators — Magnitude and Pattern
  • Policies, Interventions and Prospects
  • Summing Up

Chapter 5

Health Attainments and Demographic Concerns

  • Background
  • Mortality and Health Indicators — Magnitude and Pattern
  • Demographic Transition — Patterns and Some Concerns
  • Policies, Interventions and Prospects
  • Summing Up

Chapter 6

Some Other Aspects of Well-Being

  • Background
  • Elderly
  • Children
  • Disabilities
  • Law and Order, Crime and Violence Against Women
  • Physical Environment

Chapter 7

Governance for Human Development

  • Background
  • Conceptualising Governance — An Alternative Framework
  • The Agenda Ahead

Technical Appendix

  1. Technical Appendix
  2. Bibliography
  3. Glossary

Statistical Appendix

  1. The State of Human Development
  2. Indicators on Economic Attainment
  3. Indicators on Amenities
  4. Indicators on Educational Attainment
  5. Indicators on Health Attainment and Demography
  6. Indicators on Other Attainment
  7. Some Indicators on Governance

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