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Annexure II

State/UT-wise coverage of the Programme Evaluation Organisation

Name of Regional Evaluation Office/Region

Attached Project Evaluation Offices/ Field Units

States/UTs covered by the REOs/PEOs field units

I. Eastern Region


1. Kolkata (Calcutta)

1. Guwahati
2. Bhubaneswar

  1. Arunachal Pradesh
  2. Assam
  3. Manipur
  4. Meghalaya
  5. Mizoram
  6. Nagaland
  7. Orissa
  8. Sikkim
  9. Tripura
  10. West Bengal
  11. A and N Islands

II. Northern Region


2. Chandigarh

3. Shimla

  1. Haryana
  2. Himachal Pradesh
  3. Jammu and Kashmir
  4. Punjab
  5. Chandigarh
  6. Delhi

III. Southern Region


3. Chennai (Madras)

4. Thiruvananthapuram

  1. Kerala
  2. Tamil Nadu
  3. Lakshadweep
  4. Pondicherry

IV. South Central Region


4. Hyderabad

5. Bangalore

  1. Andhra Pradesh
  2. Karnataka

V. Central Region


5. Jaipur

6. Bhopal

  1. Chhatisgarh
  2. Madhya Pradesh
  3. Rajasthan

VI. North Central Region


6. Lucknow

7. Patna

  1. Bihar
  2. Jharkhand
  3. Uttar Pradesh
  4. Uttaranchal

VII. Western Region


7. Mumbai (Bombay)

8. Ahmedabad

  1. Goa
  2. Gujarat
  3. Maharashtra
  4. D and N Haveli
  5. Daman and Diu